Stop Doing These Things That Are Holding You Back ...


Stop Doing These Things That Are Holding You Back ...
Stop Doing These Things That Are Holding You Back ...

Sometimes when we fail to reach our goals or the success we want it’s because we aren’t helping ourselves. We might have good intentions but either unconsciously or unwittingly, some of the things we think or do simply don’t help us move forward. If you stop doing these things that are holding you back success will be both sooner and easier.

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Don’t Pretend

Don’t Pretend Stop pretending to friends and family like everything is completely fine if it isn’t: don’t be afraid to show your loved ones that you need help.


Stop Complaining

Stop Complaining Complaining too much can be toxic. Most people who spend their time complaining will never actually move to the next level of trying to sort out their situation.


Don’t Be Idle

Don’t Be Idle Don’t sit and let your unhappiness or problematic situation come to define you. Be proactive and make the effort to change your circumstances.


Don’t Always Take the Easy Road

Don’t Always Take the Easy Road Stop taking the easy road because it is the path that might bring you less confrontation. If what you really want is something more, then face up to the hard road and accept the challenge.


Stop Pleasing Others

Stop Pleasing Others Pretending to someone else to fit in with a situation is something that can be very tiring and unhealthy. Be yourself and move forward in a more authentic way.

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Don’t Stay in a Bad Relationship

Don’t Stay in a Bad Relationship Don’t continue with a bad relationship just because you think it is the done thing to have partner in your mid or late twenties. Do what’s best for you and only you.


Don’t Hold onto the past

Don’t Hold onto the past There has to come a time when you stop beating yourself for silly mistakes made in your past. Just look forward and forget what has come before.


Stop Avoiding

Stop Avoiding The only way to solve a problem is to confront it face to face, so don’t waste your life hiding from things that can be fixed with a little focus.


Just Stop … Sometimes

Just Stop … Sometimes Stop what you are doing and take a breath to evaluate your situation. Even the shortest break can give you a whole new perspective.


Don’t Be Jealous

Don’t Be Jealous Don’t sit around being envious of others who have achieved their goals. The only way to match them is to start working towards your own.


Don’t Let Your Baggage Control You

Don’t Let Your Baggage Control You Don’t let the baggage from a previous relationship stop you from entering in to a new one; it’s a completely different set of circumstances and it’s unfair to link them together.


Don’t Hold Grudges

Don’t Hold Grudges Holding a grudge basically admits that you are still stuck in the past. You need to let it go and move forward with a clean slate.


Stop Explaining Yourself

Stop Explaining Yourself Doing what your heart tells you to is the most important thing. You don’t need to continually explain yourself to those around you.


Stop Picking the Wrong Friends

Stop Picking the Wrong Friends Life is too short to be surrounding yourself with people who don’t support you. Make sure your group of friends is one that will help you to love yourself.


Stop Missing the Small Moments

Stop Missing the Small Moments In attempting to reach a big life goal, we can sometimes forget all of the smaller moments that make up the basis of our lives. Make sure you are not absent in your own life.


Quit Worrying

Quit Worrying It is a futile practice to worry about things that are completely out of your control; it only serves to add more stress and pressure to your life.


Stop Trying to Be a Perfectionist

Stop Trying to Be a Perfectionist Trying to live a mistake free life is almost impossible. Just realize that it is okay and absolutely human to be wrong sometimes; don’t let it get you down.


Stop Competing

Stop Competing Stop trying to measure you own success by competing with others. This kind of competition is unnecessary and can set you up for feelings of failure.


Don’t Lie to Yourself

Don’t Lie to Yourself If you are unhappy, don’t lie to yourself and pretend that you are. Once you can personally accept your own circumstances, you might be able to work towards changing them.


Don’t Rely on Others

Don’t Rely on Others Relying on others to bring you happiness is always a dangerous and unpredictable way to live. The key to true contentment is finding happiness within yourself.


Stop Thinking You're Not Ready

Stop Thinking You're Not Ready This attitude won't take you even a small step forward. Of course you are ready. You just need to believe it.

How many of these are you guilty of?

Feedback Junction

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It's good to be reminded of this stuff. 

Tottaly agreed

The thing is, it can be hard to fully be yourself in certain situations, especially if you feel you have an unpopular opinion. It is for me, anyway. I don't mean to be 'fake' by any stretch of the imagination.if anything, I'm usually almost always polite and nice. Idk

I agree especially with 5 !

This is so true.

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