21 Inspirational Quotes to Put up in Your Home to Motivate You Every Single Day ...

Heather Oct 10, 2013

21 Inspirational Quotes to Put up in Your Home to Motivate You Every Single Day ...
21 Inspirational Quotes to Put up in Your Home to Motivate You Every Single Day ...

All of us deal with hard things in life, so I think adding inspiration to your physical surroundings is a great way to motivate yourself, such as putting certain quotes that inspire you up around your home. Sometimes, all we need on a morning we wake up to a challenge, difficulty or loneliness, is to see an inspiring quote hanging on our wall, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, cabinet doors, closet door, walls, etc. to keep us going. I’ve often many of times woke up thinking I can’t tackle the day ahead, and some of my favorite inspirational quotes and bible verses hanging around our home have changed my outlook for the day ahead. If it sounds cheesy or unrealistic, maybe you just haven’t found the right quotes that inspire you the right way or that touch your heart yet. Try a few of mine out and see how they work for you!

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1. In Times of Challenges

Nothing in your life calls for quotes that inspire quite like challenges. I hope you’ll use all of the following quotes that I personally love to inspire you and your life, help you overcome fears and take on new opportunities that cultivate greatness, kindness and compassion. Starting with the first one, and a dear favorite of mine, here they are in random order.

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” - Joshua J. Marine

2. To Inspire Success

“One of the most important keys to success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.” - Unknown

3. To Cultivate Happiness

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.” - Denis Waitley

4. To Inspire Greatness

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

5. To Face Obstacles

“Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” - Unknown

6. When Facing Hardship

“When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!” – Unknown

7. Dare to Dream

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

8. For Low Self Esteem

“Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?” – Unknown

9. To Help You Reflect

“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.” – Unknown

10. To Embrace the Present

“Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!” – Unknown

11. To Teach You How to Move on

“When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.” - Unknown

12. To Inspire Gratitude

“Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around…” – Unknown

13. To Present Perspective

“Just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have.” – Unknown

14. When You’re Scared to Try

“The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.” – Unknown

15. To Stay Grounded

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” –Albert Einstein

16. On Making Important Decisions

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” –Robert Frost

17. My Favorite for Embracing Talent

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me.” – Erma Bombeck

18. On Staying Focused

“Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart.” – Ancient Indian Proverb

19. On Teaching Belief

“You become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey

20. On Endless Possibilities

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." – Maya Angelou

21. On Surival

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."- Dolly Parton

I keep a notebook full of my favorite quotes and a document on my PC. When I’m in need of some extra motivation, they all get put up on colorful pieces of paper and hung around my house. Try a few of mine, or share a few of your favorite inspirational quotes with me! What quotes inspire you the most?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

So encouraging and motivating, thanks!😃

Einstein\'s my favourite here, i think of value a lot these days and will have to save that in my notebook

This article is great!!

Brilliantly inspiring ! THANK YOU XXX

Numbers 1, 2, and 5 apply to my life right now. Love these quotes!

I love ol kind of quote specially this ones⭐️⭐️⭐️

Number 4 is really good

All these are great !!!

I especially love number 10. Oh my goodness, all the words that have been said and cannot be taken back. And the moments that have passed. Thank u for the reminder that today is a new day and to make the most of it!

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