How to Start a New Chapter in Your Life ...


How to Start a New Chapter in Your Life ...
How to Start a New Chapter in Your Life ...

How many times have you thought you want or need to change your life? You know the only person that’s holding you back is you, yourself – right? Maybe you just need a more compelling motivation. Maybe you don’t know how. Maybe you just need a little push – please read on.

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1. Analyze the Present

Analyze the Present The first step to take when you want to open a new page in your life is to take a step back and assess what your life is like at this exact moment. When you have examined and discovered what it actually is that is making you feel like you need to turn a page and begin a new chapter, then you might start to be able to see a clear path that could lead you towards this new happiness. Once you know exactly what is wrong and exactly where you want to go, then you will find greater success in getting there.

2. Listen to Your Heart

Listen to Your Heart When it comes to big life decisions, there can be a lot of factors such as friends, family, and your own head that will want to get involved and push you in to doing certain things. When it really comes down to it, the only thing you should be listening to is your own heart. When it comes to new chapters, you are the primary concern in the issue, so go with your heart and go with what feels right to you, not to others.

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3. Don’t Be Scared

Don’t Be Scared Even if you have to start your new chapter from the very bottom with absolutely nothing, try your best not to be scared. Instead, you should try to find excitement and motivation in the unknown, treat the feelings of uncertainty as questions that you need to go ahead and answer, rather than something that is going to completely stop you in your tracks.

4. Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself You will never succeed in starting a new chapter in your life if you do not take the plunge and decide to challenge yourself. Your current level of comfort defines the chapter that you are in right now, so in order to reach the next big stage in your life you are going to have go that extra mile and really challenge yourself to go for it. You are much stronger than you think!

5. Focus on the Future

Focus on the Future The beginning of a brand new chapter is always filled with worries and obstacles, but during these times of difficulty the thing that is going to get you through it is the thought of the brilliant future you are carving out for yourself with all of this hard work.

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6. Take up a New Hobby

Take up a New Hobby If you are bereft of ideas as to exactly how to start a new chapter, one easy way to open up possibilities is to take up a new hobby. It could be as simple as joining an exercise class or something wilder like flying lessons, but through this new activity will come new friends, new occasions, new everything!

7. Give It Time

Give It Time Once you have made the jump and started a new chapter, give it some time for it to become a normal feeling evolution in your life. Don’t be tempted to revert back to your old ways when the going gets slightly tough. Human beings are a resilient bunch and once you get used to a new element in your life it will soon become second nature.

8. Do Something out of the Ordinary

handwriting, writing, art, hand, drawing, Sometimes all it takes to start something new is to try something new. Getting out of your comfort zone introduces you to to new things that could change your life. Make the commitment to trying something you'd never try otherwise and you could find just the thing that gets you started on the next chapter of your life. This could be something as simple as taking a class or something more major like moving somewhere new or taking a new job.

9. Contribute to Something

black, black and white, face, white, image, Volunteering and giving back has a ton of benefits for you, as well as for the people you are helping. It turns out that giving back can totally change your perspective and help you focus on something outside yourself. It can open your eyes to new and different things and give you an opportunity to change your life. Try volunteering at a local homeless shelter, help out at the animal rescue center or read to kids at a low impact school.

10. Fake It 'til You Make It

human action, person, mouth, finger, sense, Sometimes you'll just need to fake it until you get your new chapter going. Jump right in to the changes you want to make and stick with them, even when they feel unnatural and strange. The longer you stick with your new behaviors, the quicker your new chapter will get longer and help you get the life you want.

Yes it’s scary leaving the familiar behind and venturing into the new but it has so many benefits in helping us grow and be better and stronger people. What are your thoughts? Maybe you have some experience to share?
Fake It 'til You Make It

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LOve this so much!

I try to listens and look for the signs

I am 59 and I just left my job of 24 years, my family and friends and moved to another state for hundred miles away to start a new job. Everyone thought I was crazy but it's been a great experience these last three months. You just have to to go for it.

I think this is great. Thank you so much. 

@Neecey thank you neecey❤️ i will!

Helping! Im thinking about what i want in life, what i should focus on but its hard to decide because i want a million things and in the same time i get scared because i want to choose the right thing :(

so timely and inspiring ... Maggs512-I'm 54 and just making the final decision to venture out on my own after 17 yrs of marriage .. your comment gives me hope

So good, now acting is the next part. I want to move to a more vibrant location in a different province, along with school there, I'm not crazy just want to feel happy and not right now.

This is so good :)

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