How to Get Back on Track in Life - My Story ...


How to Get Back on Track in Life - My Story ...
How to Get Back on Track in Life - My Story ...

I think, I found the exact way to get back on track in life. And it's by doing your favorite things more.

I know it's been a fair while since I've posted anything like this because, well...

Life happens and I just hadn't either been in the mood, been too busy, or just being lazy which has been a pretty regular thing for me unfortunately. After a fair few weeks of feeling a bit flat 24/7 I decided to write out a list of things that make me happy and start doing them again!

I really need to do more of what makes me happy. One of those things is posting blog posts, so here I am, sitting at my laptop waiting for nail polish to dry.

Lately I've been trying to make a few small yet big changes in my life and start heading somewhere I'm happy to be going.

One thing I've noticed is that I spend waaay too much time on my phone scrolling through Pinterest or online shopping, looking at new projects to do and it made me think about some of the things I "can't" live without so I've decided to list 10 things I can't live without that helped be get back on track in life:

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My Phone!

Unfortunately, we live in a world where everything revolves around technology and social media more so than what it was in the past.

Personally as soon as I wake up, I reach for my phone to check snapchat, pinterest, text messages etc. and normally have a slight panic attack, if I can't find it.

But lately I've been getting pretty good at putting my phone in my bedroom and leaving it for a few hours, and on the rare occasion leaving it for the day!



Everybody is always saying "drink more water" or telling me how many glasses of water to consume per day. Yes, I know it's good for my body in all different ways and I agree I probably do need to drink more water.

But whenever I leave the house, even if it's just to go see my nan or a friend, I'll have my water bottle in my handbag with me.

I love my water, and most mornings instead of reaching for my phone I try and reach for my water bottle instead. It hardly ever works though! Oops.


Mum & Dad

We all love our parents and I will more than happily admit that I can't live without my mum and dad. Even though my dad can make me so angry and drives me absolutely crazy, I still adore him.

I live full-time with my dad but try to go and visit my mum as often as I can, or she comes to my house. I know that it's so cliche' saying "oh I adore my parents" but deep down, I really do, after all we've been through together they're still standing by my side, no matter what.


Those Cheeky Fur-babies!

So I have 1 dog and 2 cats. My dog is 4 and I've had him since he was a baby, he has got such a gorgeous personality and he always manages to make me smile, even if it's just by running in his sleep.

My 2 cats are both 1, I have a boy and a girl. Nothing makes me happier (and drives me crazier) than when my boy cat jumps up onto my bed and comes and sits right on my chest, majority of the time he blocks off my phone/ book/ whatever I'm doing and just sits there purring.


My Garden & Plants!

Ugh, I sound so much like my mum sometimes because I'll normally say: "Oh, yes, I can go and play in my garden!" and like mother like daughter, my mum LOVES her gardening. I've been doing crazy amounts of work on my back yard, as it was a huge mess. And I'm slowly starting to get it exactly how I want it - one small step at a time.

Even if it's a cold miserable day and I'm in a bad mood, I'll go and water all my plants & flowers then I'll pretty much instantly be in a better mood. Being outside in the garden is so relaxing and calming for me, especially when all my flowers bloom! It will be so pretty!

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Colouring Books

I may sound like a complete child, but I love colouring! I can get lost in a colouring book for hours on end just going from one page, to the next, and the next until my hand starts cramping up from holding a texta too long.

Personally, I find colouring really therapeutic. If I'm in a bad mood, I try to colour in or do something that makes me happy.

And sometimes, if I'm lucky, the end result is pretty! I admit, I do have a few pages I want to rip out and put in a frame or on a canvas.


Crafts in General

So, I've only really started discovering my "creative side" in the past couple of years and I'm the type of person who always has to be busy doing something! Even if it's doing a word-search.

I've always got a project on the go, whether it's something for outside, a new painting or sewing something for my niece. I'm always doing something crafty.

I tend to push myself and try something new without any idea of what to do and on the odd occasion I impress myself with the end result!



I'm very lucky because my mum owns a gym in my local town and fortunately, I have a home gym set up too, which is an extra bonus!

Whether it be going for a walk to the shops, doing an exercise class or just stretching at home, I love doing a workout of some kind.

It always makes me feel more energetic and motivated, especially, if it's the first thing in the morning! I've been trying to get back into a good gym routine with a combination of workouts at home and going to the gym and doing fitness classes.


Comfy Clothes

No matter what I'm doing, what I'm wearing, where I'm going etc., I will ALWAYS be wearing my dressing gown and ugg boots until I basically walk out the door.

Well, maybe not my dressing gown 24/7, but I'm pretty much always in ugg boots. I find, if I'm cold I'll get my dressing gown. If I can't decide what to wear, I'll get my dressing gown until I do. If I just want to be comfortable, I'll get my dressing gown. I love being comfortable and snug.


Fruit and Veg!

So cliche': "oh I love my fruit and veg", but no. I really do. If I can't work out what to have for dinner, I will normally just whip up some random meal with veg and pasta, or veg and rice, or even just veggies on their own.

When I was a lot younger, I grew up around home grown fruit and veggies. It was amazing! And to tie in with my gardening, I did have my own vegetable garden but over-time all my veg died. Although I do have passionfruit growing (I think it's still growing) in my back yard.

I used to love being able to run out in the backyard, pick some strawberries, wash them, then gobble them up!

These are 10 things I can't live without that helped me get my life back on track.

What are some of the things you can't live without? I'm hopefully going to get back into posting more often and would love for suggestions on post ideas! Or if you have any questions I would love to hear them!

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