Learning How to Become a Stronger Leader ...

Tara Sep 8, 2014

Do you know the ways to be a strong leader that inspires other to be all that they can be? Whether you are working with your sports team, in your career or even amongst friends, a strong leader will always help things to get accomplished. If you are a strong leader you will inspire others to perform at a higher level and your team will succeed as a result. Read the ways to be a strong leader with an open mind so that you can be the best at what you do!

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1. Be a Strong Role Model

One of the best ways to be a strong leader is to lead by example. Work as you would want your team to exemplify and always give it your all. Do not just talk the talk; walk the walk and you will be a super strong leader as a result. If you practice what you preach, you will find your words go a lot further.

2. Motivate Creativity

One of the biggest obstacles in the way of many employees 'success is having a micro-managing boss that only allows things to be done a certain way. Inspire your team members to think outside of the box and you may be amazed at the creative ways they come up with.

3. Inspire Others

If you notice your team dragging in their efforts, do not just be disappointed in them, Inspire them to work smarter, not harder. It is not always the amount of work that is important or the hours they put in; it is more important to be efficient. Help them to get passionate about what they do by showing your own passion and help them to step up their game!

4. Communicate Efficiently

To be a superstar leader, you need to know your team and the only way to do this is talk to them. Make sure you have individual meetings with each team member to get their strengths and weaknesses. By getting to know your team members individually, you can help them to develop to be their very best!

5. Listen

A strong leader listens to others without interrupting, only to help improve their team. So close your mouth and listen up, you may be surprised in how much you learn to help you enhance your team’s efforts.

6. Find Your Best Style

It is critical to analyze and understand what your current leadership style is. What are your strengths and your weaknesses? Tune in to what your leadership style is and learn ways to improve. We can always be better as long as we allow ourselves to make positive changes and work towards improvement. A sign of a great leader is being able to identify weaknesses and work to change for the better.

7. Be Positive

Be positive as you lead your team to accomplish great tasks. Even if they are faced with obstacles, keep your head up. If you stay positive as an example, your team will follow in your path. Look at the glass as half full, rather than empty. And share your positivity and enthusiasm at work and in your personal life! Didn’t you ever hear that positive people produce positive results? Try it out and see how much more you can achieve!

So tell me, are you a strong leader? If you are, keep it up and lead the way to help others achieve more. And if not, no worries; just get working to improve yourself so that your team can achieve more!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Jinky Garce, one most important attribute in being a leader is boldness and confidence. Being friends is irrelevant as having team members on one accord with you is. Start there. Take a few classes or visit a leadership conference. Good luck!!

Hi there, i wish i could a strong leader but how can do it if im afraid to have an attachements to my staff and im really afraid to trust and make friends because i know in the end i'll end up broken.

Thnk u Tara. I wld 2 give some useful tips 2 ma frnds who r leaders. Dis app sure knows how 2 provide us wit d right stuff @ d right tyme. I was jus thinking of coming up with some useful tips like this 2 assist a friend. I glad I found this

love !

* I m glad* I meant 2 say. Lol

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