There several ways a quarter life crisis is good for you. If you're a 20 something-year-old going through a quarter life crisis, don't panic! Whilst it might seem daunting (read: terrifying!), it can also be a great thing. Unlike the midlife version, a QLC won't have you dating someone 20 years younger than you or spending crazy amounts of money on flashy sports cars to fill some sort of gap in your life. A quarter life crisis could have you questioning who you really are and what you really want to do. Here are 6 ways a quarter life crisis is good for you.
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1. Having a Quarter Life Crisis Shows That You’re Growing. Quickly
A quarter life crisis means that you're no longer the person you were a week, a month or a year ago. It’s a sign to you, from you, that change is coming, that change is needed. It’s a shock to the system, so it's completely natural to freak out and resist it! And so, to give you a little hand, life will have a way of making your current situation so unbearably uncomfortable that you’ll just have to adjust. And that's one of the best ways a quarter life crisis is good for you.
2. The Universe is Trying to Tell You That There is More to Enjoy from Life, and You're Starting to Listen
Settling is the enemy of a happy life. Having a quarter life crisis is a huge sign that you’re no longer happy with how things are going and you know there's more out there for you. Don't ignore it!
3. You’re Ready to Live on New Terms. Your Terms
Up until now, a huge chunk of your life has been about discovering who you are and what you want to do, and whilst that process never really ends, a quarter life crisis is telling you that you’re ready and equipped for the next stage. It’s the fear that puts the “crisis” in it all and excitement for new possibilities that will help you to embrace it!
3. You’re Getting Closer to the Real Version of Yourself
Have you ever noticed that the path people pursue after a quarter life crisis is the thing they’ve wanted to do all along? A bored accountant finally starts skiing. A complacent receptionist launches a clothing brand. A depressed sales manager starts painting. Let yourself feel the excitement of change – creativity is on the horizon!
4. It Gives You the Courage to Start Again
Having a quarter life crisis can make you feel that a complete 360-degree life switch is okay - which it totally is! It takes a hell of a lot of courage and faith to take a step in a completely different direction than what you’ve planned for and sometimes we need a big old kick up the backside to get the wheels turning.
5. You'll Naturally Put an End to Boring Situations
When you start to question what you really want from life, unsatisfying situations start to bug you. Uncomfortable relationships begin to irk you, complacent jobs bore you, and lazy friendships just don’t cut it anymore. You're no longer happy with easy arrangements and that is okay!
6. You Become More Compassionate toward Others
As crazy as it sounds, having a quarter life crisis can actually have a way of making you empathize with people much more than you used to. Because of how drastic and scary it can feel, you now know what it feels like to temporarily lose control over your life. Whilst most people are getting more and more wrapped up in the crazy city life, you're becoming more compassionate. And that's got to count for something.
7. Two Words. Self Discovery
We stick to comfort and we avoid pain. But most of us know that sometimes, you just have to hit rock bottom so that you can grow and come out of it stronger and happier. A QLC will do exactly that, so strap up, embrace the ride, and be ready for what awaits you on the other side!