9 Inspiring Ways to Become a Hero in Your Community ...

Lane May 14, 2014

It's a great feeling being loved for who you are, and for that reason, it's time to discover the nine inspiring ways to become a hero in your community. A hero doesn't have to be a character in a comic book or showcased on the cover of a magazine. Sometimes they're ordinary people with brilliant loving hearts. Without further ado, let's learn the nine inspiring ways to become a hero in your community.

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1. Be a Big Sister

In some communities, there are children who need a positive influence in their lives. They face adversity every day and sometimes they get lost along the way. You can be that driving force in their lives that shows them the light and keeps them on the right path to achieving their dreams. Sign up to be a big sister through local programs, and become a hero in your community.

2. Clean-up on Your Own

You don't need court-ordered community service to take the initiative to clean up your hometown. I understand that litter-bugs are a growing problem, but you can take it upon yourself to maintain at least a small area. The more often you do it, the more others will begin to join in and help with these efforts.

3. Volunteer when Possible

Whether you volunteer at your child's school or the local soup kitchen, make the effort! Even if it's for one hour, you're helping. You're also making a lasting impression on someone out there who sees you as their hero. Besides, school Halloween carnivals are so much fun! You get to wear your costume twice in the same month, without judgment.


Volunteering in your community is a great way to become a hero in your community. You can make a lasting impact on those around you, even if it’s just for an hour or two. Whether you’re volunteering at your child’s school or helping out at a local soup kitchen, your efforts will not go unnoticed. It’s a great way to show your commitment to the community and to make a difference in someone’s life.

Volunteering also has other benefits. It can help build relationships with people in your community, as well as give you a sense of accomplishment. Plus, it’s a great way to get out of the house and meet new people. And, who doesn’t love a good school Halloween carnival? It’s a great way to dress up in costume twice in the same month, without judgment.

4. Help the Less Fortunate

In every community, there are families that are struggling every day. Whether you offer a small portion of school supplies for a local classroom or cook a pot of stew for an elderly neighbor, do it! Those scented pencils you dropped off could lead one special child to the honor roll; your neighbor just might share that family marsala recipe with you. You never know.

5. Organize Home-Base Disaster Relief for Victims

Despite best efforts, it takes time to get disaster relief to victims after natural disasters. In the meantime, they don't have clothes, shelter, or food. Organizing efforts within your community to provide relief is as simple as grouping together and collecting needed items. When you've lost everything, the moment a neighbor gives you a pair of jeans could be the happiest moment of your life.

6. Be a Mentor

All children have a dream. If you're among the lucky people to become successful in achieving the same dream, become a mentor to these children. Show them that they, too, can do it. This task could be as simple as sharing your story with them and helping them to focus their efforts in the right direction.

7. Help the Elderly

You should help the elderly within your community in any way possible. They share a rich history and can introduce you to brilliance you never imagined. Help could consist of holding a door open at the right time or placing groceries into a car trunk. Regardless, set this excellent example for everyone in your community, and they'll follow suit.

8. Donate when Possible

Collection jars are abundant in stores throughout your community. Some of them collect money for little girls who hope to become carnival queen, but others may mean the difference between receiving a vital surgery or not for a local child. Always read the information on these jars, because you never know; your spare change could save someone's life.

9. Send out Positive Energy

The best thing you can do to inspire others is to stay positive. While to some it may seem annoying, send out that small ray of sunshine daily anyway. Say something nice to a stranger; smile at neighbors. You receive exactly what you send out; make it positive.

You lead by example. By sticking to these inspiring tasks, you could lead others in your community to become ordinary everyday heroes. What are some things you've done that caused someone to call you their hero?

Feedback Junction

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inspiring. thanks so much

I've been thinking that I need to get more active in my community lately, this was another reminder of that. I'm thinking about becoming a Big Sister and start a community clean-up/beautification group.

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