7 Awesome Ways to Invest in Yourself ...


Life can get hectic at times. Between work, school and family, you might spend a great deal of time and energy taking care of other matters — to the point where you neglect yourself.

You might not be able to change your situation at present, but there are ways to invest in yourself and take better care of your well-being.

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Sleep, Eat Well and Exercise

It doesn't matter how busy you become, take care of your physical health. You’ll be better equipped to deal with life and everything on your plate. So make sure you're getting enough sleep at night — at least 7 to 9 hours. Don’t skip meals and fill up on healthier selections like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Although your time might be limited, squeeze in 15 to 20 minutes of activity every day. This can be as simple as walking around the block or jogging up and down your stairs.


Be Stingy with Your Time

Other people might infringe on your personal time, if you allow them to. You may not have a problem helping your friends and family, but if others become possessive of your time or expect too much from you, you might become overwhelmed and neglect your personal obligations. Learning how to say ‘no’ can set you free.


Be Thankful

It's easy to focus on the negativity in our lives. You might not have the best health, the best paying job or ideal circumstances, but there's likely plenty of good happening in your life. If you can dump the negativity from your mind and fill it with positive thoughts, you'll become a much happier person. Rather than throw yourself a pity party, volunteer with an organization helping people. This can put your situation in perspective and help you feel thankful for what you have.


Start Your Own Business

If your job doesn't pay well or if you're not happy at work, you have power over your career and future. Decide what will make you happy, and research ways to make your dreams come true. It might involve going back to school and taking a course or workshop, or you can start a business while working full-time. As your business grows, it might eventually replace your full-time income.


Save Your Money

Your retirement or emergency savings account isn't going to grow itself. So learn how to be smart with your money. If you haven't already, open a retirement account with your bank or talk to your employer about joining a 401(k) plan. Reduce your monthly expenses and put the savings in an emergency fund. An emergency fund provides peace of mind knowing you have cash to deal with an unexpected expense.

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Learn More

Even if you're not planning on making a career move, you should never stop learning. There’s likely a subject or hobby you're interested in learning more about. Rather than think you're too busy, make time and explore your interests. This might include learning a foreign language, taking a dance class or discovering your culinary skills.


Take a Vacation

You work hard, so it's okay to play hard. If you can't remember the last time you took a vacation, it's time to schedule one. Even if you can't escape to a tropical island, you can take a few days off from work and spend time at home. Sleep in, explore your hometown or do absolutely nothing.

It doesn't matter what's going on in your life, never put your needs on the back burner. What are other awesome ways to invest in yourself?

Feedback Junction

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How do I tell someone that I don't want them to hang out with me. Some people just suck the life out of you.

Good info!!!

Great post

Thanc Valencia u alway post usfull articles.

Only thing I need to do is take a vacation

Love this article! I read it a couple weeks ago but am just now realizing I took a couple steps mentioned in the article! #6-I recently ordered Rosetta Stone so that I can learn Spanish (I took a semester in college & didn't retain a thing). #7-I booked a vacation to Costa Rica (I will be using what I'm learning:)) Thanks Valencia for reminding me to invest in myself!

Great tips. Thanks!

People do suck the life out of you! You just say that. You are busy! If we don't take care of ourselves no one will!!!

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