Awesome Insight into Why You Should Always Focus on the End Goal ...


Awesome Insight into Why You Should Always Focus on the End Goal  ...
Awesome Insight into Why You Should Always Focus on the End Goal  ...

Finishing first does not matter and that's why you should focus on the end goal. What matters is finishing. So many people are caught up in finishing the fastest, and they forget to finish at all. Its not about competing with a group of people and saying that β€œI’m faster.” No, it is about finishing the goals you set for your self.

What somebody else does is connected to what you do. If you do business with that person or hang out with them, then it is connected. Otherwise, you are just standing in the bleachers looking at people. You could just go out and see what’s it is like for your self. Going out is not always about looking for something outside. Sometimes, it is about you trying to achieve a goal you set for yourself.

It is about the journey and not about the reward. The reward is nice, but the reward is not the point. The point is to step into the journey and experience what it would be like to try and finish. I hope this makes sense to you because I can not simplify what I am saying. Do you want to watch football or play football? That is the metaphor for finishing things. If you don’t finish first, so what? You are just running around in circles waiting for nothing. Finish things and don’t worry about when. When is never the point and it will never be. The journey or path will always be the point. That's why you should focus on the end goal.