7 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity ...


7 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity ...
7 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity ...

Finding ways to nurture your creativity is something that many of us find challenging and even frustrating. We hold on to this notion that being creative means being artistically talented, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Creativity is not limited to the visual arts; it can be applied in any field. Everyone is capable of being creative and many people already are without even realizing it! Let’s take a few minutes to explore some wonderful ways to nurture your creativity.

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Understand What It Means to Be Creative

Once I was having a conversation with a dear friend of mine and we wound up talking about how I love writing and drawing. She told me that she wished she was also artistically gifted, but then I pointed out to her that she is in her own unique way. She loves to cook and frequently experiments with new recipes. The definition of creating is simply having the ability to imagine something and bring it to life, and we are all creators of something, so you have a whole list of your own ways to nurture your creativity. You create every single day whether you cook, maintain a garden, or run a business!


Nurture Your Body

A healthy body and a healthy mind go hand in hand. Exercising regularly and maintaining a nutritious diet are both great ways to nurture your creativity! Physical activity has been shown to enhance our cognitive functioning; so not only does yoga improve physical flexibility, but mental flexibility as well! Taking a brisk walk, riding a bike, or going for a run will release your endorphins and also any possible stress that may be blocking your creative juices. Take advantage of a nice day to go outside, get moving, and explore the world around you!


Commit Yourself to Creativity

It’s important to understand that creativity doesn’t always have to be spontaneous. It is something that can be deliberately practiced, cultivated, and fostered in ourselves. Nurturing imaginativeness requires patience and a true devotion to exploring the creative process. Set time aside every day to meditate, free write, or sketch to get into your visionary zone! Even if you don’t feel inspired, make an effort to consciously exercise your creativity instead of waiting on an ah-ha moment!


Be Collaborative

While it is important to spend time in solitude to meditate on your ideas, being collaborative and working with others is one of the best ways to invigorate your creativity! Being part of a team gives you the opportunity to receive feedback on your ideas and view your work from a variety of perspectives. You’ll also learn to appreciate different, inventive methods while listening to other people explain their own approaches to tackling a project. Also note that while working with others, it’s important to separate your ideas from your self-worth. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to your advantage!


Keep a Creative Journal

You don’t have to be a brilliant writer or journalist to keep a notebook with you at all times. Creative ideas can strike us at any unsuspecting moment, so it’s a good idea to write down your thoughts before you lose them! If you don’t fancy the idea of carrying a journal and pencil around with you, document your ideas on your smartphone or tablet in the notes section or a productivity app! Record any of your ideas that stand out to you throughout the day and read through in them in the evening. Decide if you want to put any of them into action! The next morning, revisit your creativity journal and add to it if you experienced a stroke of genius in your sleep or dreamed up something incredible!

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Reading is one of my favorite ways to nurture creativity. Books provide us with the ability to explore past time periods, travel to different countries, and meet interesting people. By reading, we can delve into a world beyond our wildest dreams and exercise our creativity by imagining vivid settings, whimsical characters, and crazy adventures from the comfort of our bedrooms! Books can change the way that we view our world and everything in it. We have so much access to books through our local libraries, e-books, and audiobooks, it’s a shame to not take advantage of them!


Get outside of Your Comfort Zone

To channel my creative energy, I love traveling every chance I get and seizing any opportunity that comes my way to try something new. It’s so fun to expose yourself to the world that exists outside of everything you already know; however, getting outside of your comfort zone doesn’t have to mean spending hundreds of dollars on plane tickets and hotels! It can mean introducing yourself to an exotic genre of music, trying new foods, or tagging along to a friend’s spin class. Life today can be so stressful that we forget to break free from our mundane schedules and allow ourselves refreshing and fun experiences to rejuvenate our creativity!

Nourishing your creativity isn’t always easy, but it is definitely always worth it! It is a solid foundation for our personal, social, and financial success. Without it, we would never make any progress! So whether you are an artist, scientist, or a even a parent, it’s important to nurture creativity so that you can work to your greatest potential and share your unique talents and thoughts with the world. What are some of your favorite ways to exercise creativity?

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