7 Tried-and-Tested Ways to Motivate Yourself to do Anything ...


7 Tried-and-Tested Ways to Motivate Yourself to do Anything ...
7 Tried-and-Tested Ways to Motivate Yourself to do Anything ...

Struggling to get motivate yourself today? You aren’t the only one. Whether it’s the weather, an argument with your boyfriend, an overwhelming urge to just do nothing or a tempting cake hiding in the cupboard, there are more than enough reasons to just never get anything done. What do you do when you really need to motivate yourself, though? I’ve been testing a few theories, and here’s what I’ve found really works…

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Do It Anyway…

One of the quickest ways to motivate yourself? Make yourself get started. If you’ve got no time to try other theories, you’ll have to go hardcore and just push yourself. Make a list of what you need to do, and throw yourself into that first item. It might feel like wading through jelly at first, but you’ll soon lose yourself in it, and get onto a roll. And the sooner you start, the sooner you finish. Go for it!


Time Split…

Some tasks are just mindnumbingly boring, but take all day anyway. If you are dealing with one, try assigning time periods to it. Work out how long the task should take – say two hours, or six, and split it into smaller time periods. You should still get it done, but it’ll feel much easier to motivate yourself into it, and it’ll be less monotonous.


Picture This…

Why are you doing this task? Is it to impress your boss? Imagine yourself getting a promotion and a pay rise. To pass a test? Think of how good you’ll feel getting those final results. To make someone happy? Picture their smiling face, and all those positive emotions you’ll feel. You get the picture! Remember the sense of satisfaction, and picture your target. It’s much easier to motivate yourself when you can see a positive outcome.


Take Five…

Chat to a friend about what you need to do, and why you are doing it. Not only will this help you to process the task in your head, but you’ll make yourself accountable – you just know your friend will ask you how you are doing, and do you really want to say you haven’t started yet?! This works for everything, from going to the gym to getting homework done or meeting targets at work.


Get Smelly…

Yeah, I don’t mean that you should quit washing – especially if you work with other people! Japanese researchers found that certain scents are linked with motivation and drive, though, and can have such a profound impact that several Japanese employers now hire aroma therapists to scent their workplaces. Lemon or peppermint oil is a great bet to get you started in the morning, and lavender oil should give you a boost during the day. Try keeping small bottles in your desk or handbag for when you need that mid-day boost.

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Fuel Yourself…

Everyone knows that if you treat your body well, with good food and excellent nutrition, your brain gets a boost too. It doesn’t stop us from reaching for that early-morning coffee, though, or those emergency sweets. Caffiene and sugar slumps are a huge demotivator, and it can be really hard to push through them. When you need to motivate yourself, try swapping coffee and sugar for smoothies, instead. Avocado and veggies are slow-release, so will keep you going, and smoked salmon is a great choice too.


Sing through It…

If you are still struggling to motivate yourself, make a playlist. You need something light and bouncy to help get you up and ready, and something with a strong beat to psyche you up. Then pick a song that inspires you, and put it on before a few general songs that you like. Once you’ve worked through them, you’ll be surprised at how much you got done. Honestly, it really works! Just remember to wear headphones and keep the sound low if other people are trying to concentrate around you.

Learning how to motivate yourself through a task is a great skill, and you’ll probably find that you shave hours from the time it usually takes you, giving you chance to reward yourself for your hard work. New gym wear, a Dexter episode or a night out with the girls work great! Have you found a great way to motivate yourself? I’d love to hear it!

Feedback Junction

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Put a picture of your goal in front of you :)

Is that Shailene Woodley from The Secret Life Of The American Teenager?

Great article!

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