9 Tips to Make Your Life Shine with Happiness ...


9 Tips to Make Your Life Shine with Happiness ...
9 Tips to Make Your Life Shine with Happiness ...

Doesn’t it sometimes seem like happiness is an emotion that comes incredibly easy to some, and not so easy to others? Mental health is becoming a bigger and bigger concern across the world for both genders and for all age groups, with the search for happiness a much more open and relatable quest that it has ever been. It’s okay to admit to both yourself and other people that you aren’t always happy, the main thing is that there are definitely some things you can do to try to fix it. Here are * tips to make your like shine with happiness.

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Plot Twist

Think of your life as a story that you are writing, only you have the power to construct a dramatic plot twist. Go ahead and do something to change the narrative in to something more exciting!


Full Ass Life

By this, I mean that you should always be striving to live a full ass life rather than a half-ass one. Always give it 100%, no matter what you are doing.


Let It Go

Don’t be one of those people who hold a grudge, because eventually everyone else involved has moved on and you are left to stew on your own. Let things go and you will be able to move on to more positive experiences.


Silver Lining

Rather than being pessimistic and defeatist, try to always find a silver lining in every cloud that comes into your life. No matter what happens to you, there is nearly always something that can be taken away as a positive.


Celebrate Normalcy

There is beauty in celebrating getting through a normal day! You don’t have to reserve celebrations for extraordinary things, especially when making it through a period without anything bad happening can be just as satisfying.

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Scratch Your Itch

If you get an itch to do or try something new, don’t wait too long to scratch it. Some of our best ideas go by the wayside because people wait too long to indulge their thoughts. Don’t be like that!


Dress Well

You don’t need a special occasion to look a million dollars. It is actually crazy how much better a person can feel when they dress up to the nines and look their best.


Potty Mouth

Did you know that swearing has actually be proven to be able to make you feel better in a neurological sense? Don’t be afraid to let your potty mouth fly; you will feel lighter afterward!



Don’t underestimate the power that a good old-fashioned cuddle can have. Snuggling with someone doesn’t always have to lead to something more physical and intimate, it can simply stay in that zone of extreme comfort.

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You get me so glad 😘😛☺️



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