Dads are our first heroes, the first men we'll ever love, and this Father's Day, why not share a few quotes about dads to make him smile, and possibly make him tear up a little bit? Here are a few of my favorite quotes about dads.
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1. Always Look up to Him
2. First Love
3. That's so True
4. He May Not Be Here but...
5. Dads Always Provide
6. Dads Are Heroes!
7. More Hero Stuff
8. The Nautical Theme
9. Your Dad is Everything
10. Father Vs. Dad
11. Dads: the Ultimate Instruction Book
12. That's Where the Cookies Are
13. My Favorite!
14. Lead by Example
15. Who is Dad?
16. From Freud
17. The Greatest Gift
18. Small Fingers
19. A Poem
20. The Heart
21. Dad's Wallet
22. By Billy
23. Don't Tell Mom!
24. He Lives Here
25. Two Things
26. Step-Dads, Too