9 Simple Extremely Efficient Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem ...

Corina Aug 26, 2013

9 Simple  Extremely Efficient Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem ...
9 Simple  Extremely Efficient Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem ...

I’m sure that just like me, you’ve also faced some hard times when your self-esteem hit rock bottom; in order to prevent all that from happening again and to help you rediscover the real you in no time, I'd like to show you a few simple, yet extremely efficient ways to improve your self-esteem. There are a lot of things that could sometimes affect your self-esteem like your temper, your personal experiences, your relationships with others or even bad experiences from your childhood. You must learn that you are the only person who can control what you’re feeling and with a bit of practice you could really make a difference in the way you feel for yourself. I hope you’ll find very useful these amazing ways to improve your self-esteem I discovered, and that you’ll even share them with your friends or your other loved ones.

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1. Don’t Underestimate Yourself!

One of the most efficient ways to improve your self-esteem is to learn to never, ever underestimate yourself or your abilities. Don’t just assume that you can’t do a certain thing. First, try to analyze that task, the effort it requires, whether you have what it takes to solve that problem or not, and think about the ways you could solve it and not about the fact that you can’t. You can do whatever you set your mind to do! Don’t doubt that!

2. Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others

If you want to keep your self-esteem intact under any circumstances, try to avoid comparing yourself to others. Every one of us has our own unique and wonderful qualities and you shouldn’t think badly about yourself just because you’re different. Sometimes, different is just the best way to be! Think about the things you excel at and try to improve them.

3. Surround Yourself by Positive People

There are so many people you have to interact with every day. Some may do you good and some may be just toxic for your self-esteem and your self-respect. I advise you to try to surround yourself only by the positive people who can brighten even the cloudiest day. Those are the people you need around. And they will also help you boost your self-esteem.

4. Make a List with Your Accomplishments

If sometimes, it happens you doubt yourself or your abilities, try making a list that contains all your accomplishments (that I’m sure are quite a few) and you’ll see that your doubts are irrational and groundless. Once you’ll recall all your achievements, you’ll feel capable of facing every obstacle that may get in your path, and this surely will improve your self-esteem right away.

5. Celebrate Every Success

You should always celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small they might be. Celebrate your courage for accomplishing something you’ve really wanted to achieve or something you had to do. Either way, you should be proud of yourself. You’re the most important person who should recognize your successes. If you don’t do it, then other people may not notice you’ve succeeded doing something so important.

6. Get Involved in Some Activities You Enjoy

By getting involved in some pleasant activities, you will feel livelier and good about yourself, and this will definitely improve your self-esteem. It will also decrease your stress levels and your anxiety. Everybody enjoys doing things they like. So, what are you waiting for? Just choose your favorite activity and enjoy it!

7. Think and Speak Positive about Yourself!

If you want to improve your self-esteem, then try to make a habit of thinking and speaking positive about yourself. If you keep saying to yourself that you can’t do it, that you’re not prepared for it, or that someone else would do it better, you will only be sabotaging yourself, your self-esteem and your self-respect. So, learn to think and speak positive about yourself. With a little bit of practice you will even believe all those positive things!

8. Don’t Let People Disrespect You!

When you allow people to disrespect you, at a deeper level, this can mean that you don’t treat yourself with enough respect and you may even think that you aren't worth enough. It’s essential not to allow others to trample on you. Since you respect everyone else, then you deserve the same thing.

9. Remember That You’re Not Perfect

Don’t be too harsh on yourself! Remember that nobody’s perfect and neither are you. Everybody makes mistakes now and then, and that’s fine as long as you learn something from them. Stop worrying about what others think and focus on the important things. By doing this, you’ll definitely boost your self-esteem and you’ll eliminate any obstacle coming your way.

Remember that is very important to always work on your self-esteem and to try to improve it! It will be easier to face life’s challenges by having a good self-esteem. What other simple and efficient ways for improving your self-esteem do you know? Please share your advice with me in the comments section.

Feedback Junction

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woww...seems like u hv read my mind.feelin soo low nd broken.thnks this article has uplifted my mood.especially pt no.8.

This post came at the right time for me

Very motivating

I might start reading this daily or when I feel low

Nice one

Number two is very important!

Very god advice.

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