13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes for Overcoming a Life Crisis ...

Heather Dec 4, 2013

13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes for Overcoming a Life Crisis ...
13 of the Most Inspiring Quotes for Overcoming a Life Crisis ...

Whether you’re overcoming a recent breakup or suffering any other kind of heartache, I’d like to encourage you with some especially wonderful quotes for overcoming a crisis. I know it’s no easy task to survive something tough in your life, and although doing so can make you stronger, it can be tough through the midst of the journey. We’ve all had hardships in life, and I have always found that though they don’t work magic overnight or make the heartache disappear, certain quotes for overcoming obstacles are pretty amazing at helping you see things in a new light. I hope you enjoy some of my favorite quotes for overcoming a crisis. I've also added my take on each one. Each one is especially personal to me, in its own unique way.

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1. Walter Anderson

Walter Anderson This quote is one of my favorite inspirational sources for finding quotes for overcoming a crisis, because it teaches us that even though bad things happen to us, they truly do help make us a better person in the end. No matter what bad things have happened to me, I've realized that how I choose to act directly affects the outcome, and that it can affect how other see me as well. .

2. Walt Disney

Walt Disney Walt Disney is a classic role model to turn to for inspiration, just like he said in this quote. Sometimes, we have to have something bad to make us realize just how strong we are, and who we ultimately want to be. I realized a long time ago that through every piece of adversity I faced, I got stronger with each and every one.

3. Daphne Rose Kingma

Daphne Rose Kingma Many times, it can be easy to believe that holding onto our past can somehow help us get over it better, but that's not the case at all. For me, overcoming a life obstacle or crisis has consistently reminded me that I can't change the past, but I can have an influence on the future. This quote put that into perspective for me and is one of my absolute favorites. Just knowing there is a future ahead gives you insight as to how you will either make the best of it, or make the worst of it by living in the past.


Many times, it can be easy to believe that holding onto our past can somehow help us get over it better, but that's not the case at all. For me, overcoming a life obstacle or crisis has consistently reminded me that I can't change the past, but I can have an influence on the future. This quote put that into perspective for me and is one of my absolute favorites. Just knowing there is a future ahead gives you insight as to how you will either make the best of it, or make the worst of it by living in the past. It's about choosing how you want to move forward.

4. Myla Kabat-Zinn

Myla Kabat-Zinn Nothing worth having is easy, and every time we survive a struggle, we are given the opportunity to be kinder, gentler, and more appreciative of the better days. Every difficult moment is an opportunity, if you choose to see it that way.


Life's trials are like the chisel and hammer shaping the marble of our existence into a work of art. Embracing the challenges with grace transforms us, honing our spirit and fortitude. It is within the fiery forges of life's adversities that we discover the full extent of our resilience. Let each hardship polish your soul until it shines with empathy, understanding, and a deep-seated joy for life's simple pleasures. Every tear we shed waters the roots of our future growth, leading us towards inner peace and strength.

5. Miles Davis

Miles Davis Even though mistakes are our choice, good can come from them. Though you might make a mistake, you can make a good situation come from it, and regrets won't help you overcome a crisis. Move on, pick yourself up, and make the most from your mistakes, however you can. Good things can come from them, even if it doesn't seem like it.

6. Helen Keller

Helen Keller Who better to turn to than one of the most inspiring women of all, who overcame more than most of us could imagine? Helen Keller has always been someone that I admire. If anyone can teach us about overcoming obstacles, it's her. I always remember during hard times that just because I'm suffering, other people always have bigger problems than I do. Plus, character truly is developed during hard times, not easy ones. It might not seem fun, but it makes you a better person if you have a positive outlook. .

7. Helen Keller

Helen Keller Just because one door closes, doesn't mean another can't open. Keep searching for the light at the end of the tunnel, or as this quote shows us, the door that hasn't yet been opened. For instance, just as an example, many jobs that end lead to better ones later on.

8. C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis C.S. Lewis has always been one of my favorite inspirational people and this quote shows us that while we might not realize it at the time, we're being told what we need to know. Listen to what you're being told when things get tough. If you listen enough, you'll hear everything you need to know.

9. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs Your brain is the most influential part of your body. Serve it well, with thoughts like this. Steve Jobs was one of those people that you just want to pick apart and he was certainly someone that had some quotes we can all relate to.

10. Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott Anne Lamott's theory on grace is one I always try to remember when things are hard. Grace is something we don't deserve, but receive every day. An ounce of grace is worth more than any amount of money. This quote has always been a favorite way to remind me of that. Just because things aren't perfect doesn't mean we can't see the silver lining.

11. Libba Bray

Libba Bray Every time you enter a dark place in your life, remember that you can't change what is happening, but you can bring a positive, loving spirit into the situation with you, which is your own personal light. No darkness can survive a spirit full of light and love. Even in the worst of situations, your inner light can bring you through the darkest situation imaginable. .

12. Jodi Picoult

Jodi Picoult Darkness only thrives where we allow it to. This quote is so, so true and one of my favorites for showing me that I can't change the fact that bad things will happen, but I do have the opportunity to change how I react to all of it.

13. Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle is full of so many wise thoughts, such as this one. It can be easy to react as soon as something happens, but that isn't always the best thing to do. We should first stop, and accept what is happening. This allows us to operate under wisdom, not emotion. Wisdom will help us make good choices, while emotions can make us act out of impulse. What will you accept from life? Will you accept everything that comes at you? Doing so can help you take on a new approach to life, happiness, and ultimately, making the most of any situation.

All of these are some of my personal favorite quotes I keep in a notebook that I’ve carried for years. I continue to add to them as I find new ones, and now have almost 100 total. I’d love to add some that you enjoy, that have spoken to you as well. What’s the most motivational quote to get you through a rough patch?

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Reading this as I'm waking up and starting a new day

These quotes are so inspiring !

Both of Helen Keller quotes are amazing and so is c.s. Lewis :) opened my eyes and made me realized it will all work out:)

Great quotes :)

Love love love this quots very inspiring and meaning full

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