7 Inspiring Quotes from the Famous and Fabulous ...


7 Inspiring Quotes from the Famous and Fabulous ...
7 Inspiring Quotes from the Famous and Fabulous ...

I have always been fascinated by screen icons of the past and present, and there are some inspiring quotes from the famous and fabulous which I would like to share with you. Their words of wisdom can often inspire and encourage in times of need, so here are some inspiring quotes from the famous to help you get through the week.

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1. “I'm Selfish, Impatient and a Little Insecure. I Make Mistakes, I Am out of Control and at Times Hard to Handle. but if You Can't Handle Me at My Worst, then You Sure as Hell Don't Deserve Me at My Best.” Marilyn Monroe

“I'm Selfish, Impatient and a Little Insecure. I Make Mistakes, I Am out of Control and at Times Hard to Handle. but if You Can't Handle Me at My Worst, then You Sure as Hell Don't Deserve Me at My Best.” Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe in my mind, was one of the most beautiful screen icons that ever lived. Not only was she a wonderful performer, she also said some very insightful things and I often marvel at her words of wisdom. It's no wonder her quotes are used on posters and Marilyn 'merchandise' and memorabilia. This is one of my favourite and most inspiring quotes from the famous and fabulous and it really encapsulates women's temperament (well, it certainly sums me up at times!) It shows that we're not all perfect and will have days when things will go awry but ultimately, the people that matter won't mind and the people that mind don't matter...(which is another quote from Dr Seuss I think)

2. “We Should All Start to Live before We Get Too Old. Fear is Stupid. so Are Regrets.” Marilyn Monroe

“We Should All Start to Live before We Get Too Old. Fear is Stupid. so Are Regrets.” Marilyn Monroe Yes, it's another Monroe quote but bear with me. She was so right and it's such a tragedy that we lost such a talent at a young age. We are often debilitated by fear in life, so much so that it prevents us from pursuing our dreams. Regrets are futile as nothing changes if we live our lives in regret, we just need to learn from our mistakes rather than beating ourselves over the head with them.

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3. "I Don't like My Voice. I Don't like the Way I Look. I Don't like the Way I Move. I Don't like the Way I Act. I Mean, Period. so, You Know, I Don't like Myself." Elizabeth Taylor

"I Don't like My Voice. I Don't like the Way I Look. I Don't like the Way I Move. I Don't like the Way I Act. I Mean, Period. so, You Know, I Don't like Myself." Elizabeth Taylor So, why have I added this as an inspirational quote you might ask. Well, this is a really interesting quote because it shows how we can all be insecure. It's hard to believe that someone so beautiful and talented could dislike herself, but it shows that even the people who we think have everything, can be prone to self doubt and self loathing. I'm not saying it's a good thing of course, but it shows that people can pursue their dreams despite their vulnerabilities and insecurities.

4. "Always Be a First-rate Version of Yourself, Instead of a Second-rate Version of Somebody else” Judy Garland

"Always Be a First-rate Version of Yourself, Instead of a Second-rate Version of Somebody else” Judy Garland In a world where often people are copying others and are afraid to be themselves, this quote is about celebrating individuality and not only the importance of being you, but the importance of being the best YOU there is, which is just fabulous.

5. "I Believe in Pink. I Believe That Laughing is the Best Calorie Burner. I Believe in Kissing, Kissing a Lot. I Believe in Being Strong when Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong. I Believe That Happy Girls Are the Prettiest Girls. I Believe That Tomorrow is Another Day and I Believe in Miracles." Audrey Hepburn

"I Believe in Pink. I Believe That Laughing is the Best Calorie Burner. I Believe in Kissing, Kissing a Lot. I Believe in Being Strong when Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong. I Believe That Happy Girls Are the Prettiest Girls. I Believe That Tomorrow is Another Day and I Believe in Miracles." Audrey Hepburn I find it difficult to argue with everything Ms Hepburn has said above because she's absolutely right. Laugh, love and be happy is ultimately what she is saying and although I don't wear a lot of pink, I can see what it symbolises: fun and lightheartedness... I might just start wearing more!

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6. "Getting Ahead in a Difficult Profession Requires Avid Faith in Yourself. That is Why Some People with Mediocre Talent, but with Great Inner Drive, Go so Much Further than People with Vastly Superior Talent" Sophia Loren

"Getting Ahead in a Difficult Profession Requires Avid Faith in Yourself. That is Why Some People with Mediocre Talent, but with Great Inner Drive, Go so Much Further than People with Vastly Superior Talent" Sophia Loren Italian beauty Sophia Loren really encapsulates the need to have faith in yourself here. We're always going to meet people who are better than us at things along the way, but faith and belief in yourself can make the difference and help you to achieve those goals you're working towards.

7. “I Laugh at Myself. I Don't Take Myself Completely Seriously. I Think That's Another Quality That People Have to Hold on to... You Have to Laugh, Especially at Yourself.” Madonna

“I Laugh at Myself. I Don't Take Myself Completely Seriously. I Think That's Another Quality That People Have to Hold on to... You Have to Laugh, Especially at Yourself.” Madonna The queen of pop is a prime example of someone who has worked incredibly hard to achieve all she has. Rather than just being a star of the eighties and fading into the distance, she has managed to move with the times and constantly reinvent herself. This quote about self- acceptance and self confidence is just fabulous and shows that even an incredibly astute businesswoman has the ability to laugh at herself - something we all need to do every now and then!

Marlene Dietrich said that the reasons she loved quotations, was because "it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself". This is very true and is precisely the reason I love them too! Which quotes by the famous and fabulous do you love?

Feedback Junction

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Judy\'s is my favorite. It honestly does inspire me

Audrey rocks!

3 & 7

The Audrey Hepburn quote is one of my favourite! X

Love these quotes! :)

Love them!

I like #7

I loved the one from Madonna. I love that woman, I find her to be so inspiring

I adore Audrey. she is so beautiful ?

Lovely....love these woman.

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