7 Inspiring Charitable Moments That Will Make You Proud to Be a Human ...

A.J. Apr 16, 2015

Numerous moving charitable moments have appeared throughout history. Unfortunately, what with all the terrible things happening in the world, it is still sometimes hard to keep our faith in the kindness of humanity. I think we could use a reminder. In the following, I have collected seven of the most remarkable acts of kindness that will make you proud to be human.

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1. Community Voice Mail

While for some people voice mail may sound outdated, the homeless throughout the United States have received a pleasant surprise when they learned of the new Community Voice Mail project in 2009. As many as 57,000 homeless people have benefited from the CVM services that year, many managing to find new jobs and avoiding the stigma of being contacted by employers at a homeless shelter.

2. The Truce of December 1914

Known as one of the most inspiring moments in history, the short Christmas truce in December 1914 between German and British soldiers fighting in WWI will always be remembered. As the story goes, the British soldiers heard the German troops singing Silent Night from the nearby trenches and this led to something incredibly heartwarming - to say the least. There were no bullets fired or bombs going off that day, and soldiers from both sides even went so far as to exchange handshakes and cigarettes.

3. Bikers against Child Abuse

1995 was a memorable year for charitable organizations, as it was the time when the BACA came into being. Bikers Against Child Abuse has since become a highly influential organization, funding countless therapeutic activities to help emotionally and physically abused children recover, as well as organizing volunteering projects geared to help children feel safer at school and in the neighborhood.

4. First Book Literacy

With the help of their record-breaking financial efficiency and inspiring efforts towards helping children in need by promoting literacy and distributing free and affordable books to families in need, the First Book group has managed to give rise to one of the most remarkable charitable moments in recent years. In 2005, they managed to achieve the highest donor confidence in Canada and the US.

5. Nelson Mandela and His Jailer

Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison in South Africa, after being condemned and convicted of sabotage during apartheid. What many don't know is the illustrious revolutionary and philanthropist actually invited one of his jailers – a man named Christo Brand – to his 1994 presidential inauguration. Brand even spoke out about his friendship with Mandela and of his life-changing decision influenced by Mandela - that of opposing racial segregation.

6. Donors Choose Education

DonorsChoose – a charitable group in New York – recently won the Amazon.com Non-Profit Innovation award for an astounding new initiative in creating a website where donors could donate money directly to teachers in need of supplies for specific school projects. All classroom projects are personally screened by the DonorsChoose staff, and children can even submit thank you notes and photos to show donors that their money was spent on a good cause.

7. Mary's Meals – School Feeding Projects

Probably the most touching charitable moment in recent times was when Mary's Meals founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, visited Malawi, where he met a young boy whose mother was dying of AIDS, and whose sole dream was to have enough food and “to go to school one day.” Mary's Meals was born that day, and it is now one of Britain's most distinguished charities, having provided school supplies and food to almost 400,000 of the world's poorest children.

These are just a few inspiring tales that are great proof that there is still some good out there and this world is not as cold and grim as it so often seems. Would you like to share some other similar stories that can make us proud to be human beings?


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Thanks a j

Re the truce of December 1914. Our UK supermarket chain ,Sainsbury did a replica bar of chocolate on sale for Christmas to commemorate this as the soldiers apparently have the Germans bars if they had them.

Sorry - that should read " gave".

I love this!

Mary's meals are the most fantastic charity out there!

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