7 Inspirational Quotes to Get You through a Tough Day ...


7 Inspirational Quotes to Get You through a Tough Day ...
7 Inspirational Quotes to Get You through a Tough Day ...

Inspirational quotes can really get anyone through any situation. The key is finding the right one for your situation. The right words can give you the strength you need keep going through your day with your head held high. The inspirational quotes below are sure to keep you pushing through any situation.

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1. Strive Not to Be a Success, but Rather to Be of Value. – Albert Einstein

The is one of my favorite inspirational quotes. It encourages you to not aim for things we see as signs of success. Don’t work for money. Don’t work for menial things alone. Work to improve your character, uphold integrity, and be a better person. Change your personal value and you will feel successful and not drained at the end of the day.

2. You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take. – Wayne Gretzky

Even if everything is stacked up against you, try. Don’t allow failures to get in your way of success. Your best chance at making something happen in your life is to just go for it. So if your day is tough? Tough cookies. Don’t allow one bad moment to ruin the rest of your day. You can always put a positive spin on things.

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3. We Become What We Think about. – Earl Nightingale

So your day is not going so well. Don’t make it worse by thinking that it cannot get any better. It sounds so cliché but positive thinking can really change the type of day that you are having. Think that you can impress your boss, and you just might. Think that you can make an “A” and you probably can. Think your way into success even if your day is looking tough.

4. I’m Not a Product of My Circumstances. I Am a Product of My Decisions. – Stephen Covey

What you decide about your tough day makes all the difference when you are experiencing one. When you believe that your circumstances have the power to push you in either direction, they will. But when you decide to be happy no matter what, to be resilient not matter what, to try your best no matter what, then you have the power to make a tough day bearable.

5. Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Have Imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

When you stand for something bigger than yourself, it gets to be a little bit easier to not give into a tough day. You just know that there is something that you are fighting for; something that you just can’t give up on. Dream big and then see to it that not one tough day stops you in your tracks.

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6. Believe That You Can and You’re Halfway There. – Theodore Roosevelt

Don’t ever stop believing in yourself. Even when the going gets hard, believe in yourself. That is the first step in really feeling that you can pull through matters. Even if it tears you up inside, believe that you can. Doubting your own strength cannot do anything for you, so you might as well trust in yourself.

7. Once You Choose Hope, Anything’s Possible. – Christopher Reeve

This goes hand in hand with the previous quote. Hope is powerful. Hope can be your everything when it feels like you have nothing. Even if all signs are pointing to demise, have a little hope. It can be your light at the end of whatever tunnel you are going through.

Tough days are something we all go through. The key to surviving them is your mindset. Do these quotes give you hope for a better day? Feel free to let us know in the comment section.

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