Perfect Tips on How to Get Your Shit Together This Year ...


Perfect Tips on How to Get Your Shit Together This Year ...
Perfect Tips on How to Get Your Shit Together This Year ...

Wondering how to get your shit together this year?

We all know when you are young, you are allowed to make mistakes. You can choose the wrong course, the wrong job, the wrong relationship and all is not lost. As you get older, the time will come when you have to get your act together. There is a time where the excuses won't cut it anymore. There is also a time where you should be learning from your mistakes - well learning enough to know that you should not repeat them.

Self-awareness is a good solid step toward a brighter future. There are so many personality types and each is suited to various vocations. There is, of course, the famous Myers & Briggs course - you can find plenty online. Also, Canadian psychologist, Dr. Jordan Peterson has come up with self-authoring courses to help individuals come up with plans for their future, as well as articulate what obstacles may come up and how you can perhaps overcome them. These self-reflective courses are a good way for you to decide what kind of future you are after and they empower you to actually have a hand in outcomes, rather than just going with the flow. The courses can be found here:

The beauty of planning your future is that it is in your hands and writing it all down has been shown to not only step you toward positive outcomes, these courses have even been shown to increase exam results. They're a great step in figuring out how to get your shit together this year.

2018 is a year filled with potential - ask yourself, are you going to work harder? Are you going to set goals? Are you going to study harder? Get fitter? Eat better? Create something inspiring?

If so, then start visualizing it. Start planning it and most of all - start doing it! Happy New Year!. Oh and as Dr. Peterson would say - "Clean up your room!"

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