7 Great Quotes about Self-Esteem for when You're in Need of a Boost ...


7 Great Quotes about Self-Esteem for when You're in Need of a Boost ...
7 Great Quotes about Self-Esteem for when You're in Need of a Boost ...

Sometimes, we're in need of some wise words from sages and there are some great quotes about self-esteem for when you're in need of a boost that I would like to share with you. We all have days when our self-esteem can take something of a battering, but we sometimes need a wise person to whisper something in our ear which will make us sit up straight and feel a little better about ourselves. So here are some of my favorite quotes about self-esteem that I read when I'm in need.

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The Buddha

The Buddha This is a great reminder to be kind to ourselves and is one of my favorite quotes about self-esteem. It really does start with being nice to you and valuing yourself and it's the little things you say to yourself that can make a big difference. For example, if you get something wrong, don't berate yourself for being stupid. If you make a mistake, don't think you're worthless. These little dialogues we have inside ourselves can made a huge difference to our self-esteem.


Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson Having confidence in yourself is essential and Emerson sums up the consequences of not having confidence in yourself beautifully. So how do you gain confidence in yourself, you might ask? There are too many ways to mention here but looking at all the great things you have achieved and focusing on the positive rather than the negative is a start.


Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey I love this quote. As I've got older, I've learnt to do things to please myself rather than others. Far too often, we find ourselves seeking validation or applause from those around us when it's the applause within we should be seeking. That's where I believe true happiness comes from.


M. Scott Peck

M. Scott Peck Here, the author of the "The Road Less Traveled" (one of my favorite books) highlights the need to value yourself. I know it's easier said than done and it sounds a bit cheesy, but it all starts with loving yourself that little bit more. It also shows how the two factors are linked. Time is so precious and you need it in order to be able to do all the things that will ultimately make you feel great about yourself. It doesn't always have to be doing things for others either. I have known people who have done so much for others but at the detriment of their own sanity and well-being. Make sure that you spend time doing things you love and which help you grow as an individual.


Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe This quote always puts a huge smile on my face, simple as it is. I like to think he is alluding to the fact that his alter-ego is such an iconic figure. Sometimes it's tempting to become someone or something you're not just to please others. It's another example of the way in which we can all be affected by self-esteem issues, even the seemingly 'invincible' amongst us.

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Diane Von Furstenberg

Diane Von Furstenberg I have always believed in this idea of being comfortable with yourself first. I know it sounds a little depressing but we come into this world alone and we're going to leave it alone, so being comfortable on our own is essential. I used to know someone who didn't like being alone at all and found it difficult to even go shopping on her own. Whilst I love my own company and will quite happily watch the world go by in a coffee shop on my own, there are others who need to be with someone else in order to feel comfortable. Enjoy your own company and you will feel more confident as a result.


Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla Vanzant This is so true. It is all about self belief and if we think that we're worthless, then we're unlikely to achieve what we're really capable of. I have seen it so many times: someone believing they can't do something and then they changing their mind frequency to a different setting altogether and achieving great things as a consequence. Have great belief in yourself and you will achieve great things. Well, that's what I believe in anyway!

We can all feel metaphorically battered and bruised by society and those around us, but these quotes can help you gain that self belief in order to achieve the goals you're working towards. Which is your favorite one or can you think of any others you would like to share to give us all a bit of a boost?

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Great article !! Literally just what I needed :)

"We accept the love we think we deserve." ~The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Write a comment ...“Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, Your health before your sickness, Your wealth before your poverty, Your free-time before your preoccupation and Your life before your death.” 13.) (Ibn al-Jawzi) To achieve any objective, we need two things: Nobel himma (motivation) – will overcome the obstruction Right strategy. Two Quotes first one from Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) second from Islamic Historian :)

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

Can you make an article of a compilation of the best quotes from Scott Fitzgerald, he is so profound and amazing

Love it! Thank you!

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