10 Great Goals to Have for Your Future ...

Lucy Apr 4, 2024

10 Great Goals to Have for Your Future ...
10 Great Goals to Have for Your Future ...

Creating goals for the future will help you achieve all the things that are important to you in the years to come. Additionally, they shape you in the process so that you can be the best person you can possibly be!

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1. Do What You Love

When we tell others that we want to do something because we love it, they may not always be understanding or supportive at first. But don't let this cause you to lose hope, because at the end of the day it's your choice (and yours alone) what you choose to do. You're not here to live someone else's dream and life, right? You're here for you! So whatever you end up doing in life, make sure that it's something you love and are genuinely passionate about.

2. Be Yourself

It can be hard not to compare ourselves to others (because it's so easy that sometimes we can't help it, right?) but remember that when we're doing this we're not truly being ourselves. This is purely because we're thinking about someone else, not ourselves. Don't ever be afraid of being yourself out of fear of judgement or rejection. Yes, those things happen every day but it's most definitely not a good enough reason to not be yourself.

3. Inspire Others

If you've ever inspired others, even if it's just one person, you'll know how incredible it feels. And an added bonus is that it's so easy to do! You can do inspire others by simply sharing something that you know and feel, because even though it might be a natural way of thinking to you, others may not be aware of it yet.

4. Work on Yourself

No one is perfect, we all have flaws and imperfections. It's also true that we can always improve, no matter what we have to work with initially. Working on yourself doesn't happen overnight - you won't wake up the next morning with completely different values or ways of behaving to certain situations. It definitely takes time and plenty of development, but it's 100% worth doing because you're shaping yourself into being the best person you could possibly be!

5. Take Chances

Chances and risks are scary, and I'm sure deep down we all know that's true. Naturally, we want to steer away from those things because we know that's where uncertainty and unpredictability lies, and that can be truly terrifying. But taking a chance is the difference between discovering something new or never knowing at all, changing the ways things are in a positive way or leaving them be, allowing for personal growth and learning along the way or staying exactly the same throughout your life, never experiencing or learning anything new.

6. Speak from the Heart

One of the best and most significant things you can possibly do in your life is learning to speak from the heart. The sooner you get into the habit of doing this the better! Speaking from the heart allows us to be completely genuine, open, and honest with everyone we come into contact with. We become a much better person when we speak from the heart. Every single person deserves complete honesty and you will always be a role model to others if you can offer this.

7. Make a Difference

We only have one, short life so why not make our mark on the world that is ours? Making a difference doesn't have to be anything huge or extravagant, it can be done in very small and simple ways on a daily basis. Everyone will have a different idea of what 'giving back' means, and it's up to the individual to choose how they go about making this happen.

8. Find 'the One'

Sure, life and success isn't solely based on whether you have someone to share it with; but isn't it just a little better the be able to share your success rather than being alone? A great future goal is finding the one that pushes you to follow your dreams, that supports you every step of the way, and that someone who makes it all worth while!

9. Own Your Dream House

While it may sound superficial, being able to say you own your dream house is a huge achievement! It means you've done it. You've completed a goal and you've worked hard for something you've always wanted. It shows you put your best effort first and you've reached the top. Nothing superficial about having a piece of property that says you've found success and happiness, just as long as you don't let it go to your head.

10. Go to College

For some people, college is only a dream, so if you're lucky enough to be able to achieve that-run with it! Use that education to your greatest benefit! Push your schooling to the max. If you want to be a lawyer-do it-because others can't. If you want to go to medical school-do it-because there are those who don't have that luxury. College is an amazing goal to have for your future because it gives you something to strive for. And maybe, just maybe, that college education will allow you to have your dream job. And maybe, that dream job will pay you a salary that will allow you to one day pay for someone else to go to school who never thought they could. And the good will keep spreading.

What are some of your goals for the future? Travel plans? Fame? Fortune? Share in the comments.

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It really helped me. I'm truly thankfull.

Really lovely, refreshing, positive and helpful post! Nice to read something that isn't aimed at how to make men find you sexy.

I try to do these things every day

one of,these not so much

This is lovely! Thank you

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