7 Epic Robin Williams Quotes to Remember Him by ...


In light of the recent tragedy surrounding the suicide of one of America’s best loved actors, here are several Robin Williams quotes you can remember him with. I was shocked to hear that Williams had taken such drastic measures and my heart goes out to his family. As you enjoy these Robin Williams quotes, keep in mind that if you or anyone you know might be suicidal, help is out there and you should reach out for it. In the meantime, I hope these quotes make you smile.

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1. “Today’s Special Moments Are Tomorrow’s Memories.”

“Today’s Special Moments Are Tomorrow’s Memories.” This is my favorite of the literally hundreds of Robin Williams quotes on record. It simply means to enjoy where you are and to live in the moment as it won’t last forever. So revel in your kids, your family and your friends. You are making memories with each moment you spend together. You might as well make them good ones, right?

2. “Real Loss is Only Possible when You Love Something More than You Love Yourself.”

“Real Loss is Only Possible when You Love Something More than You Love Yourself.” This is pretty poignant, don’t you think? I mean, think about the things you love most and how you would feel if you lost them. I’m thinking about my kids, my husband and my family and friends. You should love them with everything you have, even if nothing is guaranteed. I’m sure Robin Williams’ family and friends are feeling his loss hugely because of how much they love him. Heck, even his fans are!

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3. “You’re Only Given a Little Spark of Madness. You Musn’t Lose It.”

“You’re Only Given a Little Spark of Madness. You Musn’t Lose It.” It’s no secret that Robin Williams was a genius on the big screen. He could captivate an audience no matter what character he played. I think this quote means that we all have that thing inside of us that will make us great. And we should nurture and foster it, whatever it is, so it doesn’t get away from us.

4. “You’ll Have Bad Times, but It’ll Always Wake You up to the Good Stuff You Weren’t Paying Attention to.”

“You’ll Have Bad Times, but It’ll Always Wake You up to the Good Stuff You Weren’t Paying Attention to.” I’m pretty sure truer words have never been spoken. This statement is even more devastating after Robin Williams lost his will to live and committed suicide. Depression can do that to you by taking away your zest for life and making things seem hopeless. It’s important to seek help because the bad times are bad, but the good times will make them seem better.

5. “No Matter What People Tell You, Words and Ideas Can Change the World.”

“No Matter What People Tell You, Words and Ideas Can Change the World.” It’s pretty obvious based on the fact that so many of Robin Williams’ words have changed the world. Who among us can’t quote his lines from all the wonderful movies he made? That backs this statement up for sure! Use your good words and revolutionary ideas to change this world too. And tell everyone you meet to do the same.

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6. “Kid, if You Need Booze or Drugs to Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest, You’re Doing It Wrong.”

“Kid, if You Need Booze or Drugs to Enjoy Your Life to the Fullest, You’re Doing It Wrong.” What makes me so sad about this quote is that reports indicate that Robin Williams battled drugs and alcohol for part of his life. He was in and out of rehab several times. I think it’s inspiring that he used his own experiences to tell kids that it wasn’t the way to go. There are plenty of things to enjoy in this life without being addicted.

7. “We Must Constantly Look at Things in a Different Way.”

“We Must Constantly Look at Things in a Different Way.” He spoke these legendary words in Dead Poets Society, but I think he truly lived them too. Look at the roles he took on - Mrs. Doubtfire and an animated genie, just to name a couple. He took roles that might be different from what other actors were taking, but he made them his own and he was super successful at it. I think that’s a lesson we can all learn.

What’s your favorite Robin Williams quote? Rest in peace, Mr. Williams. The world is better because you were in it.

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Only 2 of these are robin Williams quotes, the rest were created by writers.

like the article but im wondering howcom he disnt follow his own rules

Such a great actor and comediant. Lost forever.... These quotes leave a smile on my face and a bit of sadness in my heart. When Jesus comes to fetch us one day, may you be one of them taken to heaven.

Robin Williams suffered from depression which is a real disease. He suffered because when you are depressed there are no uplifting quotes that brighten your spirits. All you feel is the sadness and lack of joy. He couldn't do follow these beautiful quotes because when you're depressed they are hard to believe. I only know this because I have survived depression and know how it feels to be in those very shoes, and I know that it is an incredibly difficult thing to overcome. I cry for him and all the people out there who go through these pains, especially those who endure them alone. Goodbye Robin Williams, you will be greatly missed.

And to think that he makes people laugh, he makes them forget their own troubles and yet he can't do the same for himself.

It's really mean and hateful and hurtful to put down Robin Williams for having a disease such as depression! Read up on it before you put him down. He tried hard and was sober for many many years .. He had used drinks and recreational drugs in the past but stopped when his 1st child was born and he'd been stopped for a long time. We don't know what his childhood was like or anything about his past & what circumstances brought him to start drugs and drinking...please don't put a great man down. He was in horrible mental anguish and must have been pretty desperate in order to do what he did. We must love him more! These quotes ..whether he wrote them or someone wrote them for him ...he said them with full and great passion and meaning! These quotes are being told and remembered now because of Robin Williams. We are discussing him right now because of these words. I Don't care who wrote them.... He said them and I will remember him saying those things! What an awesome man!

Rest in peace forever Mr William!!!

Great article thanks for sharing!

Rest in peace Robin Williams.

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