7 Empowering Quotes from Oprah Herself ...


7 Empowering Quotes from Oprah Herself ...
7 Empowering Quotes from Oprah Herself ...

Oprah is one of the most powerful women in the world for a reason. She's wise beyond her years. That's why you should take a moment to look at her best quotes, as told by Beauty and Tips:

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1. Wisdom

Wisdom Don't let your pain bring you down. Let it bring you new life.

2. Money

Money Money isn't everything, so focus more on achieving your goals than on making tons of cash.

Frequently asked questions

3. Passion

Passion Finding your passion is the point of life.

4. Journey

Journey Don't get frustrated when life takes a wrong turn. It happens to everyone.

5. Believe

Believe Before you can achieve, you need to believe.

6. Failure

Failure As long as you're enjoying your life, nothing else matters.

7. Work

Work What's the key to success? Hard work.

8. Struggle

text, font, logo, brand, presentation, Struggle makes you stronger.

9. Positivity

person, nose, brown hair, singer, round, Weed out the negative people in your life. You don't need them.

10. The Future

Ladybird, text, font, advertising, purple, Blossom away...
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Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do

Great quoted

Very nice and Positive article, 😉


Those were all very inspiring. =) I would take heed to all of them.

Very well said

Those are not words of wisdom. This is taking known truths that had been said very gracefully several times in the past by poets and philosophers and repeting them in most banal unappealing new age talk.

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