45 Empowering and Motivational Quotes for the Aspiring Girlboss in You ...


Do you consider yourself to be an aspiring #girlboss? Maybe you want to start your own business or be the CEO of an existing company that you admire. Whatever your career aspirations are, I found some uplifting quotes that offer great advice and motivation. Take a look!

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1. No More Introductions

Engelhart Tilburg,Inside Track,text,font,product, Work until everyone knows your name.

2. Your Life's Calling

human action,text,font,product,diagram, Source: Favorite Things Friday
Your passion is your calling

Frequently asked questions

3. Do You Know This Girl?

Material Girls,text,font,party supply,This, Source: This Girl Means Business
The girl is you!

4. The Choice is Yours

One Vision,text,font,organ,advertising, Source: 7 Entrepreneurs You Should Start
What will you choose?

5. Progress Not Perfection

text,font,handwriting,line,calligraphy, As long as you're making progress, you're moving forward.

6. Tiger Vs. Sheep

text,font,brand,book,tiger, Source: The Successful Single Mom: Words
Don't worry about the opinion of others.

7. Stay Humble

Hustle Hard,font,design,brand,writing, Source: 50 Life Changing Motivational Quotes
Wise words that everyone should follow.

8. Bossy Women

auFeminin,beauty,hairstyle,supermodel,JUST, Source: Inspirational Feminist Quotes: Empowering Quotes
How do you feel about the word bossy?

9. Act like a Lady

eyewear,black and white,glasses,vision care,sunglasses, Source: Entrepreneur – How I Got
But think like the boss you are.

10. Who's Going to Stop You?

text,font,line,THE,QUESTION, Source: #LevoLoves: 12 Inspirational Quotes to
No one! You got this.

11. The Mind is a Powerful Thing

Superior Graphite,text,font,biology,line, Source: Female Entrepreneur Association | Inspiring
Program it for success.

12. Better is Possible

Moteur de Recherche Yahoo,text,font,line,shape, Source: Weekend links / 51. (Elise
All you have to do is try.

13. Don't Worry about Success

hair,face,eyebrow,black hair,nose, Source: Bustle
It will naturally follow

14. Don't Compare

COM,PARISON,BRUTAL,TACK,ONE, Source: Cameron Diaz's Tips For A
It is the thief of joy

15. Current Status

font,line,line art,shape,handwriting, Source: Motivational Instagrams - Into The
But who says you can't have both?

16. Like a Boss

pink,flower,cup,plant,land plant, Source: Bossy Ceramic Mug
You're not bossy

17. Favorite Position?

One Child Matters,Grupo Omnilife,text,font,product, Source: this ain't a shoulder with
You wouldn't accept anything less.

18. Don't Underestimate Yourself

text,font,brand,emotion,line, Source: Real Career Girls featuring René
Women have skills foreign to men.

19. Don't Waste It

cartoon,line art,font,line,drawing, Source: #GIRLBOSS BOOK | Shop Home
You've got your mind on your money and your money on your mind.

20. Negotiating

text,font,brand,calligraphy,line, Source: Ivanka Trump on Negotiating Like
You get what you ask for.

21. Throwing Punches

black and white,font,cartoon,calligraphy,line, Source: #GIRLBOSS | Pre-Order Sophia Amoruso's
And rolling with them...

22. Competition

text,font,logo,poster,advertising, Source: designlovefest.com
Aim to beat your personal best

23. Dreams Vs. Reality

text,font,diagram,product,circle, Source: rachelgadiel.com
Match your destiny

24. Dream Big

person,IF,DOESN'T,SCARE,YOU, Source: 26 Quotes On Getting Ahead
Even if it scares you!

25. Energy

text,font,document,brand,line, Source: 35 Life-Changing Quotes from Fashion's
Be your own idol.

26. Secret to Success

font,album cover,fashion,brand,advertising, Source: Home - Noma Ndebele
Behind every good, strong, and successful woman is herself.

27. Hit It Hard

Go Study,text,font,handwriting,writing, Source: The Thoughtful, Hilarious Lena Dunham
You can do it.

28. Saver or Spender?

line art,black and white,cartoon,font,drawing, Source: #GIRLBOSS BOOK | Shop Home
Where you do like your money?

29. You Can Find Opportunities Everywhere

text,font,handwriting,line,brand, Source: The Business Bar + Two
Even inside failure.

30. Support Success

Eversons Cider,text,font,product,line, Source: The Daily Mark on Instagram
No matter where you find it.

31. Be a Goal Getter

Career,text,font,brand,logo, Source: Love Fit Bodies
The difference will show.

32. Building a Firm Foundation

Chef,text,font,handwriting,line, Source: Strong Women Quotes – Inspirational
So true and so inspirational!

33. Believe in Yourself

Men's Health,text,font,handwriting,brand, Source: 10 Quotes for Instant Fitspiration
Fake it til you make it.

34. For the Haters...

Corporation Service Company,text,font,product,line, Source: The Classy Lady
Kill them with success and a smile.

35. As Women

person,black and white,image,mouth,emotion, Source: Motivational Quotes Women Stand
Stand up for justice for all.

36. Just a Little Motivation Goes a Long Way

Igniting Change,text,font,poster,album cover, Source: Just a little Motivation Goes
Change your life.

37. Life is Short

Golden Corral,Isle of Wight Tomatoes,text,font,line, Source: #LevoLoves: Our Favorite Inspirational Quotes
Spend your time and energy on things that matter.

38. Who Are You?

Julia,text,font,calligraphy,handwriting, Source: Diary week: 38
A girl who decided to go for it and made it.

39. Success

text,font,line,shape,brand, Source: LostBumblebee: So this Abraham Lincoln
Don't wait for it.

40. Eyes on the Prize

text,font,morning,brand,emotion, Source: Top 15 Quotes Of The
You won't have time to gaze at someone else's grass.

41. The Best Investment

text,black and white,font,poster,album cover, Source: Diane von Furstenberg's Best Quotes
Be generous.

42. Ask for It

face,facial expression,black and white,person,nose, Source: 8 Inspirational Quotes to Help
It's not overreacting.

43. She Had Her Own

text,black and white,font,monochrome,monochrome photography, Source: 30 Ways to Get Over
You don't need anyone to offer you the world.

44. Good Vs. Great

Road to Applecross,LifeProof,text,font,brand, Source: Lewis Howes
You'll know when you're great.

45. The Most Feared Individual

WHSmith,Thanet District Council,text,font,brand, Source: #Inspiring #Quotes #Inspirational Mohedesa Najumi
The woman who does not require validation.

I hope you found these quotes inspirational and moving. We can all use a little motivation every now and then so keep these quotes handy for those days you need a little reminder of just how awesome you are!

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Loved all of these thank you

Love this!!

Love this article!

I just started my business it is the hardest thing I've done so far so I loved reading this!!

Great article!

Awesome!!! I'm embracing this...



This is the best article I have read on here so far!

Grrl Power at it's finest!

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