7 Ways to Show Your Love and Help Others ...


As you are in the festive mood, why not keep up the love and express yourself with ways to show your love? In our crazy busy world with countless deadlines, many priorities and not enough time in the day, we often get caught up and miss the opportunity to express ourselves. Let’s help others to turn their frowns upside down and brighten their day. If we all make positive changes we can make the world a better place. Here are my ways to show your love and help to transform the world one smile at a time:

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Compliment Others

I just ran into an acquaintance today and I recognized her for her tremendous job as a mother because this is how I remembered her from several years ago. She started to tear up because she never knew anyone noticed and I felt a strong connection because I could relate to this. Boy, isn’t it great to be recognized? Complimenting others is one of the top ways to show your love because sometimes people do not even realize how great they are.


Lend a Helping Hand

As you notice the older woman struggling to put the groceries in her car, lend a helping hand. Or maybe you see a new mom struggling to hold the door while pushing her stroller inside the store. Grab that door! Now what about the man short on change at the store? Help out because you can. By lending a helping hand you will show lots of love and shine from within!


Listen to a Stranger

As I was approached in the middle of the clothing store by a complete stranger asking for advice in buying her daughter Christmas clothes, I was both taken aback and flattered at the same time. I listened to this anonymous woman talk about her children and I could see she just wanted to talk, so I listened. Listen to a stranger and learn from others. This is a great way to show your love and you will grow from these experiences.



Smiles are free and transform your day and those of the people around you. Smile at the person walking by, your office mate, your neighbor and why not add a greeting? You will feel better and you will show your love. If you find a person looking sad without a smile, spend a few moments and listen to their troubles, because this may help to transform their day!


Donate Your Time

Just remember this, it is great if you can donate money but donating your time will lead an even larger impact on others and change your life. I recently started volunteering as a religious education teacher and I rediscovered so much about myself. Donate your time by getting involved with a charity, church or another group. This is a great way to show your love and help others.

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Express Yourself to Your Family

Write a card to mom, your siblings and children and express your love by spelling it out. A simple letter goes a long way!


Give Hugs

Swedish researchers recently discovered that a simple hug can lesson your pain, so this might explain a mom’s quick rush to coddle her child after he or she has fallen. Isn’t amazing how quickly a child then stops crying? Hugs are a healing, relaxing and comforting way to show your love, so hug away!

Hope you have enjoyed my list of ways to show your love and help others. So tell me, how will you show your love and help to change the world for the better?

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