7 Ways to Nurture Friendships That You Should Consider ...

Corina Sep 30, 2014

It’s important to constantly learn new ways to nurture friendships, since true friends are some of the most important people in your life. They give you strength and courage when you’re down, and they're also there right beside you for laughter and encouragement. Even though some friendships do come easily, others do require a bit of effort and you just have to work a little harder to keep your relationship strong. Here are a few ways to nurture friendships that you should consider:

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1. Don’t Call Your Friends Only when You Need Them!

One of the easiest ways to nurture friendships is to make sure that you're proactive in contacting your friends. Don’t call them only when you need something from them! Even if you're extremely busy, make time for them and regularly check on your friends, so they’ll know you're sincere.


Friendships are an important part of life, and nurturing them can be difficult. However, with a few simple tips, you can ensure that your friendships remain strong and meaningful.

The first tip is to be proactive in contacting your friends. Don’t call them only when you need something from them. Make time for them and regularly check on them, so they’ll know that you’re sincere and that you care about them.

In addition to this, be sure to make time for quality time with your friends. Make sure to plan activities that you can all do together, like going to the movies or having a picnic in the park. This will help you to stay connected and create lasting memories.

Also, don’t forget to show your appreciation for your friends. A simple gesture like sending them a card or a gift can go a long way in showing them that you care.

It’s also important to be honest with your friends. Don’t be afraid to tell them how you’re feeling, even if it’s not always positive. This will help to create a stronger bond between you and your friends.

2. Don’t Take Friendships for Granted!

Don’t take your friends for granted, because true friends are pretty hard to find and if you don’t value your friendships, they’ll eventually disappear. Just keep in mind that friendship is a choice, not an obligation.


Having friends is one of the most important aspects of life. Friendships offer us companionship, emotional support, and a sense of belonging. But, it’s easy to take our friends for granted and forget to nurture these relationships. Here are seven tips to help you nurture your friendships and ensure they last for years to come.

First, make sure to keep in touch. It’s easy to forget to stay in touch with friends when life gets busy, but it’s important to make time for your friends. Set aside a specific time each week to catch up with friends, whether it’s through a phone call, text message, or video chat.

Second, be generous with your time. Offer to help your friends when they need it, and be there for them when they’re going through a tough time. Even if you can’t help with the issue directly, just being there to listen and offer support can make a huge difference.

3. Help Your Friends when They're in Trouble

Always help your friends when they're in trouble. Be there for them when they need you, encourage them and be sympathetic. Just give them a shoulder to lean on when they are feeling down and they will be really grateful for that.


Friendships are one of the most important relationships in life. They can bring us joy, comfort, and support in times of need. To nurture a friendship and keep it strong, it is important to be there for your friends when they need you. Helping your friends when they are in trouble is one of the best ways to show them that you care.

When your friend is in trouble, be sure to listen and offer words of encouragement. Show your support and understanding by being sympathetic and understanding. Encourage them to talk about their problems and be a shoulder to lean on. Let them know that you are there for them and that you care.

It is also important to show your friends that you appreciate them and the time you spend together. Take time to do activities that you both enjoy, such as going out to dinner, watching a movie, or going for a walk. Show your friends that you care about them by sending them thoughtful cards, letters, or gifts.

It is also important to be honest with your friends. If you don’t agree with something they have said or done, it is important to be honest and open about it. Being honest with your friends will help to strengthen your friendship and build trust.

4. Encourage Their Dreams

When your friends are looking for advice or when they're feeling lost, be there for them, listen to what they have to say and encourage their dreams. Show them that you believe in them and in their ability to reach all their goals, and tell them that you know they’ll be able to fulfill all their dreams if they don’t give up.

5. Overlook Their Shortcomings

Try to overlook their shortcomings because we're all human and we all make mistakes sometimes. They might make you angry or they might even disappoint you every now and then, but as difficult as it may be sometimes to overlook a certain thing that they did that upset you, try to accept them as they are with all their qualities and with their flaws.

6. Limit Expectations

Very often, your friends can upset you not because they did something wrong, but because you have some unrealistic expectations in what concerns them. Don’t expect people to behave the way you want them to. People are different and no one can read minds, so if you need something from them, just tell them what that thing is.

7. Be Loyal

Friendships are all about loyalty, so be loyal to your friends in words, actions and thoughts! Take their side when they are right and don’t do anything unfaithful to your friends. Don’t backstab them because you’re jealous of their success! If something they did upset you, just talk to them about it and straighten things out.

In order to keep all your friendships strong, try to actively nurture them. What do you do to nurture your friendships? Do you know any other helpful ways to nurture friendships? Please tell us about them in the comments section!

friendship.about.com, goodlifezen.com, and mystera-magazine.com

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