Ok – is there anyone who actually does look forward to Monday morning? Not many, I bet. Even if you love your job, there’s just something about a Monday morning that makes it harder to jump out of bed with enthusiasm for the day ahead. Maybe it’s the wind down from a great weekend or regret that there’s another week to get through until the next weekend, you hate your job, or it’s simply ingrained by society that Monday mornings are awful. Whatever prevents you from shaking off the weekend and facing the week ahead with a sunny disposition, there are some ways to look forward to Monday morning.
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1. Wear Something New
Look forward to Monday morning by showing off your new clothes that you brought at the weekend. If you haven’t been shopping then dig out your best stuff or have a sort through clothes that you forgot about. My Nan always used to say, “never save anything for a special occasion.” Now I’m not saying wear your finest party dress, but wear something new or something that makes you feel a little special and forget it’s Monday.
2. Meet a Friend for Lunch
If you have had a great weekend, then Monday morning feels much worse. Make social plans for Monday lunch time so that you have something to look forward to. Meet up with that friend who you hardly see and have a good old catch up. By having something to look forward to half way through your day you will find it much easier to get through Monday morning.
3. Eat What You Want
It’s Monday morning, so do what you want. Skip the diet and have cake for breakfast, bring a chocolate treat for a midmorning snack. When it comes to Monday mornings it is all about doing what you want - anything that helps to beat Monday morning blues. You’ve got the whole week to be good and healthy.
4. Order Something to Be Delivered for Friday Afternoon
Did you see a pair of shoes at the weekend that you wish you brought? Or have you got a party to go to that coming weekend? Why don’t you go online first thing Monday and get them delivered for Friday.
5. Go to Work with a Friend
Do you and your friend both go in the same direction but in separate cars? Why not ask them to join you on your journey. A great way to look forward to Monday morning, or any morning, is to start with a good laugh and chinwag. Make sure that it is someone who you enjoy the company of and can have a laugh with. You don’t want to be sharing a ride with anyone negative. However much you both hate Mondays, they have to happen so make the best of it.
6. Treat Yourself to Something to Listen to or Read
If you commute by public transport then why don’t you download a new E-book, or your favorite album onto your device. Knowing you have something new to listen to or read will help you to get out of bed and beat Monday morning blues.
7. Grab a Little Bit of Sunlight
Vitamin D, which you get from the sun, increases serotonin levels which determine your mood. Take a walk first thing when the sun is coming up, or plan a walk with a colleague at lunch time. It is said that even just fifteen minutes of sunshine can decrease the likeliness of depression, so make sure you make time this Monday.
8. Cheer Everyone else up
Pay someone a compliment, buy the office a coffee or a box of doughnuts, and endorse someone on LinkedIn. Making people feel good will really help you to look forward to Monday morning. Remember, it isn’t only Monday for you;others are feeling the same!
9. Look at Pictures
Take five minutes during mid-Monday morning to look through some pictures of loved ones on your mobile, or computer and change your screensaver to your favorite picture. Studies show that by looking at pictures of people you love activates feelings of wellbeing and helps to stop you getting stressed.
Do you think these ways to look forward to Monday morning will make a difference to how you start your week? Do you hate Mondays or is every morning a drag?