7 Ways to Get Rid of Negativity from Your Life ...


7 Ways to Get Rid of Negativity from Your Life ...
7 Ways to Get Rid of Negativity from Your Life ...

Making the decision to find ways to get rid of negativity is one that will make your life much happier, richer and fuller. But it is a little hard to know how to do that when you make the decision that this is what you want to do. This article can help you to learn some great ways to get rid of negativity from your life. This is a decision that is bound to have positive returns.

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1. Be More Positive Yourself

The very first step you need to take when you are looking for ways to get rid of negativity is to get rid of it in yourself. Make a decision to be a more positive person. Since we cannot magically, instantly transform into a positive person, you can do this in steps. First, work on stopping all of the negative talk, then work on replacing it with positive. In time, you will find that you are one of the most positive people that you know.

2. Choose to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

I love this phrase. Having an attitude of gratitude is all about being thankful for the blessings in our life and I believe that is something we could all do a little better at. When we are grateful for any good thing in our life, we are being positive and pushing the negativity out. In addition, you will find that good things seem to want to come your way because of your appreciation for them. You will find you love being grateful for the good things in life.

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3. Cut Negative People out of Your Life

If you want to cut negativity out of your life then you need to cut the negative people out of it. This is not to say that if you have negative family members then you must drop them, but you may want to consider spending less time with them. If it is a friend or casual acquaintance, then you can cut them out of your life much easier and would be wise to consider doing so. This doesn’t have to be a big deal; just slowly start spending less time with those negative people.

4. Teach Positivity

Teaching positivity has a way of returning positivity back to you. Be a role model for how to be positive. Teach your children and those in your close circle to look on the bright side of life. If you do this, it won’t be long until people are actually turning to you for this because they will learn how much it helps them. Teaching positivity is a way to not only brighten your life but the lives of others.

5. Find a Good Role Model

If you are just starting on your journey of cutting negativity out of your life, find a good role model for this. Find someone who is an intentionally positive person and has done the same thing. Ask them for some practical tips and strategies. Most people who have made the journey to cut negativity out of their life are more than happy to help others find the path. Many times you can learn simply from listening to them.

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6. Choose Positive Friends

Ah, this is a key part of cutting negativity out of your life. Not only do you want to get rid of the negative friends but you want to replace them with positive ones. What advantages do positive friends offer you? They encourage you and believe the best about you. They have faith in you.

7. Help Those Less Fortunate

Helping those that are less fortunate is a very helpful step in cutting negativity out of your life. If you don’t see the connection, let me explain it to you. When you help others that are down on their luck, you are reminded of what all you have in your own life to appreciate. This takes you right back to having an attitude of gratitude. Try this and see what a difference it makes.

While we can’t get rid of every negative force in our lives, there is a lot that we can do to encourage positivity. Have you worked on this process within yourself? What did you find helpful?

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I have a friend I knew for about 10 years now. But I'm just starting to see things about her. I'm not sure if she changed or I was to blind to see the real her but I notice that she is very rude and gets made at me about things my mother doesn't even get mad about. So reading the dropping a friend part really made me think. Thank you!

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