11 Ways to Accelerate Your Life to Excellence ...

Donatella Apr 3, 2014

If you want to accelerate your life to excellence, there are a few things you need to focus on. Human beings have 6 needs and two important needs are growth and contribution. In order to accelerate your life to excellence, follow these 11 steps, as they will guide you in figuring out how to satisfy those two needs in your life.

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1. Focus on Clarity

One of the most important ways to accelerate your life to excellence is to focus on clarity. Did you know that only about 3-5% of people in North America claim to actually know what they want? That small number is shocking - ultimately if you do not focus on clarity in your life by setting goals for your future, you will miss out on reaching your dreams. Find out what it is that you wish to accomplish and go for it!

2. Know when to Say No

It’s okay not to do everything and be everywhere all the time…it’s okay to say NO every now and then. In fact, it’s actually healthy and advisable to learn HOW and WHEN to say no. There will be many people and situations that come and go in your life and unless you discern the good from the bad, you will fall into focusing on the wrong things. Learn when to say no to the things you don’t have passion for and let the yeses in your life fall into place.

3. Pay Attention to Your Gut Feeling

Your gut is always right…every single time. Do you copy that? Deep down, you know the answer to the question you have. Should you leave your current job and pursue something that you actually have a passion for? You know the answer. Should you reach out to that friend whom you hurt? You know the answer. Should you let go of a relationship because it’s hurting you rather than lifting you up? You know the answer. Accelerating to excellence starts with trusting your intuition.

4. Live Your Life to the Fullest

Nike’s motto “Just Do It” should be fully embraced to accelerate your life. Don’t over-think so much, girl! Shake off whatever has been bringing you down and learn to love and life again. Life will bring both good and bad but if you can just tap into your inner self and do whatever drives you and excites you the most, you will be the happiest person you know!

5. Embrace Change No Matter What

Change can be scary. Trust me, I would know. I’ve moved 13 times in 23 years, switched schools about 5 times since elementary school, and just recently dated two guys and have had two jobs over the course of 10 months. Change is heavy, but change is healthy. Embracing change opens you up to finding out what works in your life and what doesn’t, figuring out what you like and what you don’t like and learning how to cope and grow in the process.

6. Take One Day at a Time

Take in a deep breath right now. Now exhale, and listen to me closely. Do not focus on the future; do not allow the unknown rule your life. It’s not worth it. You will only be able to accelerate your life to excellence if you sit back and enjoy the ride to your final destination. And guess what? Your final destination could be 50 years from now…so why worry about the end while you’re still riding the waves? Take one day at a time.

7. Seek a Mentor

There will always be someone who has been there and done that before you. Seeking a mentor will not only provide you with the tools and answers you are searching for but it will also empower you to keep going. Life doesn’t need to be difficult; you don’t need to tackle life alone because you are not alone. Remember that there are people who can help and inspire you; you just have to learn where and how to look. You can find a mentor in a friend, in a spouse, in a co-worker, in a professor or teacher.

8. Take Time for Yourself

Alone time is absolutely needed to accelerate to excellence. Only YOU knows you better than anyone else. Sometimes talking too much to others, trying to get their approval, as well as only focusing on what others are expecting of you is not healthy, nor will it allow you to grow into who YOU are suppose to become. Take time for yourself and figure out what excites you and motivates you. The only way to get to know you better is to take time for yourself.

9. Don’t Settle for Second Best

Opportunities will come and go; boys will come and go; friends will come and go. No matter what direction you take with your job or who you decide to date, never settle for second best. By settling for second best you are only prolonging your happiness and true desires. If you’ve been waiting for a boyfriend, don’t date just to date; if you’ve been out of work for a while, don’t just take the first job that comes your way without knowing anything about it. Sure, boyfriends and jobs are a great chance to take but if you feel deep down that neither are a good fit for you, don’t settle.

10. Manifest Your Desires

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. By releasing your desires into the Universe you are getting in tune with your destiny – manifesting your desires is as simple as picturing yourself doing something and connecting an emotion to the vision. Believe that you are able to achieve excellence and focus on the big picture. Even if something hasn’t gone your way in a while, celebrate your desires as if they have already come true.

11. Do Not Compare Yourself to Anyone else

To truly get in tune with your life and excel to greatness, do not ever compare yourself to other people. If you focus so much on other people’s successes and projects, you will inevitably feel as though you are living in the shadows and probably get a feeling that you will never “be good enough” or “accomplish as much as him/her”. I used to get so caught up in other Youtuber’s successes while I was more active on Youtube and honestly seeing other beauty gurus create and start their own makeup lines and clothing lines made me feel discouraged to pursue my own dreams. It’s a waste of your time to live vicariously through others…go out and live your own life and make your own dreams come true!

Enjoy your life; celebrate your life! You are wonderfully made; you are unique and contribute to this world in ways that nobody else can because you have your own beautiful purpose on Earth. How will you accelerate your life to excellence today?

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Just what I need to hear! Love the motivation!

Man you ladies are on point today!!!

Number 10 is like magic it works!! Great post!! Xo

love love love this!!! This is going to make my day!

Great post !!! Thank you !

This is really helpful thanks!

Thx for sharing .....Do not focus on the future; do not allow the unknown rule your life.......just what I needed to hear... Thx

I really needed this today! Thank you!

Truly inspiring!!!

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