7 Very Helpful Tips on How to Be More Grateful in Life ...

Corina Jan 12, 2014

We all need to learn how to be more grateful for the things we have, so we could be happier and more satisfied with all the wonderful things that happen in our lives. We all have a lot to be thankful for, even if we don’t think about this as much as we should. I love this wonderful quote by Marcel Proust, which I find it to be very inspiring: “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” If you want to learn how to overcome all the stress, all the anxiety and all the difficulties in your life, you should definitely pay more attention to being more grateful for all the wonderful things that you are blessed with. Here are a few very helpful tips on how to be more grateful in life that I hope you will find very useful in your quest for happiness:

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1. Appreciate What You Have Right Now

One of the most helpful tips on how to be more grateful for everything that you have that I could give you is to advise you to learn how to live in the present and how to enjoy and appreciate all the wonderful things that you have right now. Don’t think about what you could have or what you didn’t manage to obtain! Learn to be content with what you currently have and you’ll realize that you are really blessed and that you really have a lot to be thankful for.

2. Keep a Gratitude Journal

To better realize that you have quite a lot to be thankful for, you could try keeping a gratitude journal where you could write down all the wonderful things that happen to you every day. This way, you will constantly be reminded of how many good things happen in your life, how many devoted friends you have and how many gifts and benefits you enjoy on a daily basis.

3. Make a Vow to Practice Gratitude

Another useful tip I will give you if you want to learn how to be more thankful for the wonderful things that you have is to advise you to make a vow to practice gratitude every single day. There is a lot of research which shows that “making an oath to perform a behavior increases the likelihood that the action will be executed.” So, what are you waiting for? Start counting your blessings each day and realize how lucky you actually are by just being you.

4. Make a Gratitude Board

I’m sure you all know what a Motivation Board is, so why not make a Gratitude Board as well? Instead of posting only your dreams, plans and biggest goals like you do on your Motivation Board, you could post all the stuff you have to be thankful for on the Gratitude Board. If you want it to be more obvious that you really are a blessed individual, you could focus on posting aspects related to the wonderful people in your life and the amazing events you’ve experienced rather than materialistic stuff that won’t make you happy for a very long time.

5. Don’t Compare Yourself with Other People

I know that the tendency to always compare ourselves with other people is quite high, but you should do everything in your power to fight it, because this activity won’t help you feel more grateful for all the wonderful things that happen to you on a daily basis. It will actually do exactly the opposite, since there will always be people who are smarter, richer or healthier than you, so don’t make yourself feel inferior by comparing yourself to everyone else.

6. Watch Your Language

If you want to learn how to be more thankful for the wonderful things you are blessed with, I must tell you that grateful people often use a particular language that contains words like “blessings,” “gifts,” “fortune,” “abundance,” “fortunate,” etc. You could try using these words more often too. I’m sure you’ll notice the changes in the way you see the things that happen to you and you will learn to appreciate them even more.

7. Help Other People

You will realize that there is nothing more rewarding and more meaningful in your life than the joy you’ll get by helping other people and by really making a difference. You could go and volunteer at a local charity or you could sponsor a child’s education. There are so many things you can do in order to improve other people’s lives, and it doesn’t even take so much effort on your behalf, just a little bit of your time.

I love this quote by Henri Frederic Amiel, who couldn’t have said it better: “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” Are you grateful for all the wonderful things that you are blessed with? What other tips on how to be more grateful in life could you give us? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

Sources: lifehack.org, greatergood.berkeley.edu, brainyquote.com, brainyquote.com

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