7 Things That Are Not Worth Getting Upset about ...


There are a lot of things that are not worth getting upset about. Don’t let unnecessary things bother you since you should spend your time feeling grateful for the wonderful things you have. That’s why it’s best to expend your energy trying to reach your goals and to fulfill all your dreams and not on things that are not even worth a minute of your attention. Here are seven things that are not worth getting upset about:

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1. Losing at Video Games

Things that are not worth getting upset about of course includes losing at videogames, or losing at games in general. Remember games are just games, so don’t get too involved and think about your mental well-being. Even if you lose, focus on what you can learn from your mistakes and don’t be angry for not doing everything perfectly; you’re only human after all.

2. When Someone Doesn’t Call You Back after a Date

It’s not worth being upset if someone doesn't call you after a date (especially when it’s someone you didn’t even like so much.) They are the ones who are losing out, since they’ll never get the chance to discover what a great catch you are. Just be confident and focus on other things that are more important and that are worth your attention.

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3. When Someone Shows up to a Party Wearing the Same Thing as You

I know that it can be quite frustrating to go to a party or to any type of social gathering and to notice that someone is wearing the exact same thing as you. You shouldn’t let this ruin your mood! Just remember why you chose that outfit; because you look good in it, so show others how confident and attractive you feel!

4. When Someone Doesn’t Respond to Your Text Immediately

It’s really not worth getting upset when someone doesn’t answer your texts immediately, even if you think that they should have dropped everything and get back to you. People do have responsibilities and sometimes they do have other things more important to take care of than to answer your messages.

5. Tripping in Front of Others

You shouldn’t let such an insignificant thing bother you. Just because you tripped in front of others when you were walking down the street or when you were on public transport doesn’t mean that you made a fool of yourself. Just laugh it off and carry on with your life, because these things happen and you shouldn’t let them ruin your good mood.

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6. When You Meet Your Ex at a Party

Again, even if meeting your ex at a party infuriates you (especially if they are accompanied by someone who you think is more attractive than you), you shouldn’t let this get in the way of your happiness and prevent you from having fun. Just be confident and show them you are a strong and independent person who can enjoy herself in every situation.

7. When Your Favorite Reality Show Gets Cancelled

It’s really not worth being upset if your favorite (and terrible) really show gets cancelled. Even if it was one of your guilty pleasures, you must admit that you spent way too much time watching that bad show. Just be glad that from now on you can spend your energy doing something more productive that will make you feel happy and accomplished.

You shouldn’t let all sorts of insignificant things get in the way of your happiness. Just try to have fun in every situation and look at the bright side of life. Do you know any other things that are not worth getting upset about? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!


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