Stop Body Shaming Quotes about Loving Your Size ...


The number on the scale doesn't have anything to do with how beautiful or valuable you are. You need to stop obsessing over how much you hate your body and start learning how to love it. It's the only body you'll ever have, after all, so you might as well appreciate all it does for you. No matter how thick or thin you are, here are a few inspiring quotes about loving your size:

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1. All Girls Are Gorgeous

text,font,product,diagram,line, Stop comparing yourself to the women around you. Even though Sophia Vergara is beautiful, it doesn't mean that you aren't, because you're not her spitting image. Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes. There are millions of gorgeous people in the world, so don't assume that you're ugly just because you don't look like some of the women around you.

2. Say You're Sexy

pink,valentine's day,heart,I'm,not, While it's healthy to exercise and eat vegetables, it's not healthy to have a negative self image. Even if you're working to change your body, you should still try to see it as a beautiful thing. Don't tear yourself down. Try to see yourself as the sexy woman you are.

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3. Unconditional Love

WordPerfect,product,muscle,advertising,brand, You don't love your boyfriend less when he puts on a few pounds, do you? Then why would you love yourself less when the same thing happens? Your body belongs to you, so you should cherish it, not criticize it. Treat it like it's one of your children, who you need to love, no matter what.

4. Stop Trying to Satisfy

human action,text,image,font,brand, If you want to lose or gain weight for yourself, that's fine. Just don't do it for anyone else. You're never going to be able to satisfy others, so don't even bother trying. Listen to Jennifer Aniston and just live your life without thinking too much about how you're viewed by the rest of the world. Their opinions don't matter, anyway.

5. Allowed to Love

All You Need,Canadian Mens Health Foundation,arm,dress,brand, Being plus sized doesn't make you any less of a person. You deserve to be happy and fall in love just like any other human being does. Your weight isn't stopping you from accomplishing anything. If you feel like you're being held back, it's due to your own self doubts. That's why you need to adopt a positive attitude.

6. Society's Stupidity

Hollywood Sign,beauty,sense,emotion,all, Ignore the images of "perfect women" you see on magazine covers and movie posters. Even though society tells you that you should look like those skinny celebrities, you should know better. Real women aren't perfect, so don't push yourself to look like something that doesn't even exist.

7. Always Embrace Your Weight

Conservative Party,text,font,line,shape, Your weight isn't going to stay the same throughout your entire life, so don't freak out when you gain a few pounds. You shouldn't love yourself more when you're skinny than when you're heavy. You're supposed to love yourself, no matter what. No exceptions. So stop criticizing the image in the mirror and embrace it instead.

No matter how big or small you are, you're a beauty who deserves to be happy with herself. While you should be proud of yourself for every pound you shed, you should also be proud of yourself when your body isn't your idea of "perfect." Are you comfortable with your size, or is it something that you're self-conscious about?

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These are really nice quotes. It took me a long time to realize how beautiful I am, but once I did I have been able to help other people with their self image! Great article!!!

being a woman is a beautiful blessing we should support and embrace one another and stop putting ourselves down I am Confident in myself and I love to share that with other women its a beautiful thing when we women lift each other up rather then put each other down!!!

For myself I've found that my feelings about how I look depend on my feelings about who I am inside. I've gotten to a place where I like the person I am underneath (finally!) so I don't mind all those imperfections on the outside. They're all part of a good package.

I've always had issues with my body image. It was only in my last relationship that every imperfection was an issue. Having the one I loved tell me I was repulsive really took me over the edge. Now I have so many feelings of anger and self doubt that I don't think I could ever think of being intimate with anyone. I'm not that secure in me. I'm working on it everyday but there are some days when I'm stuck feeling less than who I know I am.

Love this post and it applies to all women. @maryelisabeth, shame on all those people who picked on you for being skinny. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. Finally managed to get to a healthy weight now but I've never been comfortable with bashing skinny girls to make chunky girls feel better.

@Infinity Kakien thankyou for speaking up for the skinnier people. As I fall into that category too I'm glad you've put it into perspective

Amen infinity kakien!! Why does everyone love to hate on skinny girls? I'm healthy. I don't starve myself. My sisters and mother who have had 3+ kids each, my grandmother who had five, and my great-grandmother who had eight… are (or were) all under 130. My husband can wrap one hand around both wrists. I was made fun of all growing up for not being a "real woman" and told I needed to eat a cheeseburger or pad my bra. That does just as bad of things to a girl's self-confidence as being called fat does. I used to eat as unhealthy as I could just trying to put on pounds as quickly as I could. I've excepted that I'll never be a "curvy girl" but yes, I am still a woman. And Megan trainor, stop calling me a skinny b!+€|=|. No, I don't think I'm fat. I'm finally grown up enough to understand that everybody is different and beautiful and stop shaming every body!

Most of the comments and pictures are for "women with curves" what a surprise

@krispykreme335 no worries