Mental toughness is a measure of individual resilience and confidence that usually leads to success in sport, at school and your workplace. Want to know how to become a strong minded person? Look no further! Simple daily tips for becoming a seriously strong minded person are below:
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1. Remember, It Doesn't Happen Overnight
• You have to WORK for mental strength daily
• Eat and study for the brain
• Tell yourself you can and will gain mental strength daily
2. Stay Positive No Matter What
• Learn to think of the POSITIVE in every situation
• Find the good in small increments
• You attract positivity and that's what you will receive
3. Stay Focused on Your Goals and Tasks
• You need DISCIPLINE to stay focused on your goal
• Make being focused a habit
• Have a routine and this will be second nature to you
4. Know Exactly What You Want from Life
• Know why you want mental strength
• Be reasonable with yourself
• Have expectations and check them off when met
Remember, your thoughts attract reality, choose your thoughts wisely! Find more at