13 Beautiful and Inspiring Quotes to Help You Overcome Disappointment ...

Heather Jun 28, 2023

13 Beautiful and Inspiring Quotes to Help You Overcome Disappointment ...
13 Beautiful and Inspiring Quotes to Help You Overcome Disappointment ...

Letdowns and feelings of failure are a normal part of life, and whenever I need a pick-me-up, there are a few great quotes for overcoming disappointment that always help lift my spirits. Do you need a little extra encouragement this week? Here are seven inspiring quotes for overcoming disappointment that will help you feel better and get back on track in no time.

1. You Will Find That It is Necessary to Let Things Go, Simply for the Reason That They Are Heavy

You Will Find That It is Necessary to Let Things Go, Simply for the Reason That They Are Heavy As one of my favorite quotes for overcoming disappointment, this statement reminds me that rehashing things and holding onto negative feelings are incredibly draining. Instead of dwelling on a recent letdown, make a decision to instead simply let go of your sadness and focus on all the positive things the future holds. It may be hard to do at first, but once you manage to let go, you’ll feel much lighter and freer.



This quote, featured in a blog post on mindfulness for women, emphasizes the importance of letting go of negative emotions and focusing on the positive. It encourages readers to release the weight of disappointment and move forward with a lighter mindset. The article also includes 12 other inspiring quotes to help readers overcome disappointment and find inner peace. This advice is especially relevant for women, who often face societal pressure to constantly be productive and perfect. By letting go of disappointment and embracing mindfulness, women can find a healthier and more fulfilling way of living.

2. Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart so Better Things Can Fall Together

Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart so Better Things Can Fall Together It’s easy to beat yourself up wondering what you may have done wrong to make a situation turn out the way it did, but it’s by far better to remember that certain things are just not meant to be. In fact, losing out on one opportunity can actually open the door to many new additional ones, so keep things in perspective and never lose hope that there’s something bigger and better waiting for you.

Frequently asked questions

Disappointment is that feeling we get when things don't go as we planned or hoped. It's like when you expect a sunny day but it ends up raining. It's totally normal to feel this way sometimes.

Quotes can be powerful little motivators. They provide perspective, encouragement, and sometimes that 'aha' moment that helps us see things differently. They remind us we're not alone in our feelings.

We feel disappointed when our expectations aren't met. It can happen in relationships, at work, or even with ourselves. It's human nature to hope for the best, so when it doesn't happen, we feel that letdown.

Absolutely! Sometimes, a funny quote or a good laugh can make a world of difference. It can lighten the mood and help us not take things too seriously. Laughing at a situation can be a great way to manage those down feelings.

Besides reading inspiring quotes, you can try talking to a friend, engaging in a hobby you love, or writing down what you're grateful for. Practicing mindfulness and self-care can also be very helpful. It's all about finding what lifts your spirits.

3. Holding onto Anger is like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die

Holding onto Anger is like Drinking Poison and Expecting the Other Person to Die Being let down by another person is always tough, especially when it’s a family member, friend or significant other you’d come to respect and trust. But as difficult as it can be to let go of your anger, it’s important to remember that by holding a grudge, you’re actually hurting yourself rather than the other person. Even if you can’t forgive or forget, vow to focus on the positive things in your life instead of letting anger consume and control you.


Anger can often feel like a justified response to betrayal or hurt. However, it is paradoxical in nature, similar to setting bounds to our happiness with our own hands. It's vital to practice self-care and heal your own emotional wounds rather than dwelling on the past. Although it may not be instantaneous, gradually, you should aim to release the grip that resentment has on you. Through this healing process, you can reclaim your peace of mind and emotional well-being, which is truly the best outcome you can strive for in the face of disappointment.

4. Sometimes, You Need to Step outside, Get Some Air, and Remind Yourself of Who You Are and Who You Want to Be

Sometimes, You Need to Step outside, Get Some Air, and Remind Yourself of Who You Are and Who You Want to Be Many disappointments in life stem from trying to please others and live up to expectations about what we’re supposed to be, believe and do. When life gets you down, however, it’s good to take a step back and determine whether the goals you’ve been working toward are actually right for you or even reflective of the kind of life you want to live. Without a doubt, staying true to yourself and your principles is a surefire way to make life’s inevitable disappointments more manageable.


This quote is a reminder that it is important to take a step back and reflect on our lives from time to time. It is easy to forget who we are and what we want when we are constantly trying to please others and live up to expectations. Taking a break, getting some fresh air, and reminding ourselves of our goals and values can help us stay focused and motivated. It is a good reminder to take a break and reflect on our lives every once in a while. This can help us stay true to ourselves and make life’s inevitable disappointments more bearable.

5. Too Many People Undervalue What They Are, and Overvalue What They're Not

Too Many People Undervalue What They Are, and Overvalue What They're Not Like the last quote, this statement reminds me that it’s better to focus on the many strengths and positive qualities I have to share than to be hard on myself about shortcomings. As many of us have learned the hard way, you simply can’t please everyone or be all things to all people, so value who you are and focus on the positive differences your love and friendship have made in the lives of others.

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6. Don’t Waste Words on People Who Deserve Your Silence. Sometimes the Most Powerful Thing You Can Say is Nothing at All

Don’t Waste Words on People Who Deserve Your Silence. Sometimes the Most Powerful Thing You Can Say is Nothing at All Yet another one of the best ways to overcome disappointment and keep it from overwhelming you is to remove negative people and influences from your life. I’ve found that it’s rarely worth the energy to try to argue with or change people, so instead of allowing them to disappoint you further, spend your time and energy building relationships with those who have the ability to truly support and encourage you.

7. You Are Never Too Old to Set Another Goal or to Dream a New Dream

You Are Never Too Old to Set Another Goal or to Dream a New Dream Finally, when things don’t work out the way you’d planned, remember that the only true failure in life is to give up and stop striving to be your best. No matter who you are or what stage of life you’re in, it’s never too late to pursue new goals and dreams, whatever they may be.

8. We Must Accept Finite Disappointment, but Never Lose Infinite Hope

poster,album cover,font,brand,illustration,Photo Credit

You can thank Martin Luther King Jr. for this epic quote. What is means is that accepting disappointment can help take the sting out of it, even when it seems like it's the worst thing that could ever happen to you. However, just because you're disappointed and hurting right now, you must save a bit of your emotions to keep hope alive. Otherwise, you'll find yourself giving up and that's no good at all.

9. Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving up. the Most Certain Way to Succeed is Always to Try Just One More Time

font,brand,WEAKNESS,OUR,GREATEST, No doubt that disappointment hurts and can even make you raging mad too. I've been there. At this very moment, it can be tempting to throw in the towel and just be done. Don't do it! Sometimes, all you need to get where you want to be is to give it one more try. Maybe you need to wait a bit before doing so, but you may be pleasantly surprised if you give it another shot.

10. Do Not Be Deceived by Your Senses, Your Feelings of Fear and Uncertainty, for Even as the Tempest May Howl, Just beyond, Lies a Serenity, That You Would Not Find Otherwise

AaroH,text,handwriting,font,writing, It's a longer than average quote, but it speaks volumes when you're in the depths of disappointment. Sometimes, experiencing the worst makes you appreciate the good even more. That's what this quote is saying. Embrace your disappointment because the time will come when the opposite happens and you will be so much more equipped to truly value it for what it is.

11. The Greater the Obstacle, the More Glory in Overcoming It

text,font,handwriting,writing,brand, This one is similar to the previous one. Disappointment is never easy, there's no denying that. But, once you move past, achieve your goals and get to where you're going, the joy you'll feel will be so much sweeter. I promise!

12. Smooth Seas do Not Make Skillful Sailors

text,font,poster,album cover,book, It's true. You've probably heard the old adage that says, "practice makes perfect." No, you don't want to become well versed in handling disappointment. Who would? But, there are learning opportunities when it comes to being let down. You can learn how strong you are and figure out ways to keep the same from happening in the future.

13. Disappointments Are God's Way of Saying "i've Got Something Better." Be Patient, Live Life, Have Faith

text,font,line,brand,shape, If you're a religious or spiritual person, it can help to feel like your disappointment is part of a higher purpose and that you are being set up for something even better. Take that to heart next time you are wallowing in despair. If you have a God you rely on, letting go and letting Him (or Her) take control can be life changing. Give it a try!

What do you think of these quotes for overcoming disappointment? Is there a certain one you can most easily relate to?

This article written in collaboration with editor, Eliza Martinez


The quote, "Disappointments are God's way of saying 'I've got something better.' Be patient, live life, have faith," is an inspiring reminder to stay positive and have faith, even when faced with disappointment. This quote encourages us to look at failure and disappointment as a part of life that can ultimately lead to a better outcome.

When faced with disappointment, it can be difficult to stay positive and have faith. This quote can help us to remember to be patient and to trust that something better is coming. It can also help us to remain hopeful and to stay focused on the present. It can be difficult to accept that things don't always go as planned, but this quote reminds us to stay positive and to keep our faith.

This article is part of a series of inspiring quotes that are aimed at helping people to overcome disappointment. Each quote is meant to provide encouragement and positivity when faced with difficult times. This article was written in collaboration with editor Eliza and was published on a women-focused blog in the category of "Inspiration."

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Great article

All of them are fantastic. Thanks!!!

L O V E this! Thanks a lot!

I knew I was going to like this article before I even read it. I think disappointment is one of the hardest emotions to overcome and one of the least validated.

Exactly what I needed!! Thx for this!

Its really awsome.

Hi everyone.These quotes really help me a lot cuz I'm going through a very hard time in my life.I been married for 29 years to a very controlling man I can't even go out side to breath fresh air with out him asking how long are u going to be out there.There's times I feel like I can't breath anymore .

@Mamma T, Hold on and prey God will see u through

Love this!! Yay!

Still hard dealing with disappointments.

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