9 Inspirational Quotes for Budding Artists ...


9 Inspirational Quotes for Budding Artists ...
9 Inspirational Quotes for Budding Artists ...

I like to think of life and art as one in the same thing, so for all you creative-minded people out there, below are some quotes for budding artists that should inspire you with your craft. Whatever your choice of medium may be, these quotes for budding artists are sure to make you ponder and reflect a little on that creative energy that we all have access to; if only we can spend a little time developing it.

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1. Don't Give up

Don't Give up This is one of my favorite quotes for budding artists that I think is not only beautifully written, but is pretty accurate too. If you are someone that spends time doing what you do, then you leave your artwork for a while, it seemingly takes longer to get back into it. This quote will inspire you to get back into the rhythm of your inner sanctum and not to give up.

2. Life is Art

Life is Art If you think art will be a daytime job for you, one way of looking at your job is to think that life and art are inseparable. Art isn’t just a medium or a craft that you envelop yourself with, it's more a mental state. An artist is someone that is constantly learning and questioning. Even the act of questioning yourself is artistic. To be an artist is not to do art, but to be art.

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3. Great Works

Great Works Who can ignore the words of one of the greatest artists to have ever lived? If you agree with my theme from the beginning of this article that life is art, then you’ll agree with Leonardo’s choice of words too.

4. Focus on the Small Things

Focus on the Small Things When you really think about it, the works of great artists are viewed for very short times and it's the most successful artists that truly become legends after they’ve lived. If we want to be successful while we are alive, it is the small things we should be paying attention to. If you’re waiting for the big things to happen in your life, then you’re waiting for the perfect life that may never even happen. There are so many opportunities swirling at your feet – go seize them!

5. Develop and Realize the Truth

Develop and Realize the Truth What a wonderful way of looking at things and what a beautiful quote. Go out on a limb and create your work that corresponds to your inner most truth. You don’t always have to splash colorful paint from great heights onto a canvas in order to be artistic. Just work on developing what comes naturally for you and you'll see that others will be moved by your creativity. You'll move them in such a way that they feel something new and learn something unique about themselves.

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6. Follow Your Talents

Follow Your Talents Don’t be afraid to project your gifts and talents out into the world. Look after them, care for them, and tend to them as you would your hair, makeup, or maybe even your garden! Enjoy your achievements and your plans, for your arts and talents can be really humbling in these changing economic times.

7. Choose Your Muse

Choose Your Muse Whichever you choose –- music, theater or even alchemy, experiencing life in this way can be frightening. We’re taught to keep our cool, to rush through our lives searching yet not always living. But for those people that like to look deeply at life, life becomes art. Each time we look, we start looking with new eyes. What does life have to teach me? What can I discover? We are open and living in the moment questioning, “what is this?” This to me is art.

8. No Rehearsals

No Rehearsals It's true, life isn’t a rehearsal, we have one shot to live it right. If you live it right, you will feel as if you don’t have to live another. I also connect with the concept that we cannot erase anything in real life.

9. Be Art

Be Art I have to conclude with this beautiful quote for all you budding artists out there. If you can combine art into your life, question yourself, see deeply with new eyes, and spend time nurturing your gifts and talents, then learn to share them with the world, you’ll become an amazing artist, one that may become legendary even!

I truly hope you are inspired by these quotes enough that you feel you can share your uniqueness and talents with the world. Make this life worth living and learn not to separate life from art. Which artistic quote appeals the most to you?

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