9 Inspirational Quotes about Letting Go of the past ...


Quotes about letting go of the past will help your happiness flourish. All too often, we let our minds wander to the scarring things that have happened to us. However, it's unhealthy to dwell on the hardships we've faced, and far more productive to focus on our present and future. Here are some of the most helpful quotes about letting go of the past:

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1. Creation of Chapters

Creation of Chapters No matter how awful your past was, you need to find a way to move past it. You'll never be able to focus on the exciting pieces of your present life if you're always thinking about what happened a few years back. This is one of the most helpful quotes about letting go of the past, because it pushes you to move forward in life.

2. Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned Not everything that happens to you in life is fun, but it's all a learning experience. If you learn from your past, then the pain you felt was somewhat worth it. It'll help you find ways to avoid that kind of situation again in the future.

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3. Place 'Em in the past

Place 'Em in the past The people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your mental state. If your friends are always bringing up the horrible things you did in the past, you don't need them around. You don't need reminders of how you used to act. You need friends that will help you increase your happiness.

4. Nothing New

Nothing New Why do you keep thinking about your past? You're not going to find out anything new. It happened, and there's nothing you can do to change it. Let it go.

5. Let It Go

Let It Go You already know it's unhealthy to keep thinking about your sad memories, but it's also a bad idea to keep thinking about the happy ones. Stop reminiscing about the good times you had with your ex. You're not together anymore, so you should start thinking about the good times you can have with someone else in the future.

6. Just a Story

Just a Story There's nothing you can do to alter your past actions, so now it's just a story. You can't change history, so there's no reason to dwell on it. Don't let your past cause you to break down crying every time you think of it. Move on. Don't let it control you.

7. Foreseeable Future

Foreseeable Future Yes, you've done some bad things in the past and have had some bad things happen to you. That doesn't mean that your future is going to be filled with just as many hardships. You have to think positively, and refuse to let your past become an indicator of your future.

8. Accept It All

Accept It All As much as you want to forget about the past, you can't. All you can do is accept it. You might not be happy about the things that you have done, but you have to make peace with the fact that they happened.

9. Say No to Stress

Say No to Stress Stress can ruin your life. If you're always replaying horrible memories in your head, you'll make yourself sick. Instead, think about what amazing things you can accomplish in your future.

You don't want to spend the present thinking about your past. It's not going to accomplish anything, so don't waste your precious time. What other quotes have you heard that have inspired you to move on from your past hardships?

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Thankyou for sharing sometimes you need to hear these inspirational quotes to keep you strong and focused.

These quotes are great, I love them all!

I thank you for posting this, I can't tell you how much my soul needed this!

Thanks for sharing this. I really need this now.

I really needed this today, thank you so much.

Love this

Great quotes:) I still thinking about my past and I have to learn to let go :(

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