How to Increase Your Self-Worth for Women Feeling Insecure ...


How to Increase  Your Self-Worth for Women Feeling Insecure ...
How to Increase  Your Self-Worth for Women Feeling Insecure ...

Everyone goes through a period or two in their life when they feel insecure - it's almost natural to feel that way sometimes. And while it's good to embrace your emotions, feelings of negativity, anger, sadness, and low self-esteem won't get you anywhere! That is why you need to realise that you're just as important as any one else, you deserve to live your best life, and you were born to shine.

Having said that, here are some tips on how to increase your self-worth when you're feeling insecure - because sometimes we all just need a little confidence boost.

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Change Your Way of Thinking

person, mouth, brown hair, sense, screenshot, Whether you believe in the power of positive thinking or not, your inner monologue is what drives you and your self-worth. If you are continuously telling yourself that you are not good enough, not worthy enough, or beautiful enough, or thin enough - you will continue to live in a cycle of feeling bad about yourself. Change the way that you talk to yourself and about yourself, and you will change the way you see yourself in the world.


Write down Affirmations

white, black and white, monochrome photography, hairstyle, monochrome, Affirmations are a great way to boost self-esteem - and it's also a great way to spruce up your bedroom. Take some time to write down a few inspirational affirmations on pretty paper or sticky notes, and place them on your wall. Glance at them at any given opportunity, read them, and believe them.


Be Thankful Everyday for What You Have

glasses, feel, thankful!, When you wake up in the morning, take five minutes to think about and be thankful for the things that you have, the people in your life, and the opportunities you've been blessed with. By doing so, you're attracting more positive things into your life while realising how important you really are.


Stick with Friends That Are Positive and Supportive

AWESOME, AWESO, When you surround yourself with friends and family that continue to tell you how great, lovely, beautiful, talented, and amazing you are - you are surrounding yourself with positive vibes. Unknowingly, these positive comments are helping you create a positive inner monologue and a higher opinion of yourself.


Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

, If you continuously compare yourself to someone else, you will never be the happy person you are meant to be. There will always be someone prettier, thinner, funnier, smarter than you. You have got to learn to love who you are, what strengths and skills you do have, and how to use them positively and efficiently to create happiness in your own life.

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See the Positives in Every "bad" Situation

cartoon, art, modern art, Keep, your, There is always a silver lining to any problem. If you've just had your heart broken, it was because the world knew that that person was not meant for you. If you've lost your job, it's because something bigger awaits you. Be patient, the universe really is working in your favour.


Write down Three Things You Love about Yourself Every Evening

human action, person, woman, hand, finger, Before bed, write down three things that you love about yourself or three positive things that happened that day. In this way, you are given attention to the great things in your life and the wonderful attributes you have.

When low self-esteem plagues us, it is so easy to get in a funk. But consider these seven tips to get yourself out of that rut and centre stage for the beautiful show that is your life.

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