Frida Kahlo Quotes for Girls Who Want to Set Their Creativity on Fire ...

Jennifer Sep 9, 2018

Most famous for her romantic side, her wit, charm, artistic ability, and yes, her unapologetic unibrow, Frida Kahlo is one of my personal heroes. A peek at a few of the things she's said, and you'll see why... and maybe she'll inspire your inner artist, too.

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1. I Never Painted My Dreams...

black and white,album cover,poster,monochrome photography,magazine, Actually, I think she said she never painted her dreams or nightmares...

2. What Doesn’t Kill Me, Nourishes Me

Modo Rosa,text,font,circle,illustration,

3. Be Fearless


4. Why Flowers?

font,line,line art,illustration,FadaTahler,

5. On Laughter

person,black and white,font,album cover,monochrome photography,

6. Strangeness

person,black and white,font,album cover,emotion,

7. A Lover like This?


8. Nothing is Absolute...


9. Where You Cannot Love, do Not Delay


10. Don't Build a Wall...

Self Portrait with Necklace,Goodness Direct,Allthecooks,face,human action,

11. If You Act like You Know What You're Doing, You Can do Whatever You Want

Silicon Valley Watcher,text,font,product,diagram,

12. The Two Accidents

text,green,font,biology,leaf, "I suffered two serious accidents, one in which a bus knocked me to the ground. The other accident is Diego. Diego was the worst."

13. Whenever I Talk with You, I Hunger for You a Bit More

black and white,album cover,monochrome photography,flower,Siempre,

14. We Can Endure...

album cover,At,the,end,the,

15. Feet, What do I Need You for when I Have Wings to Fly?

person,album cover,illustration,need,you,

16. Don't Drink Your Problems Away. It Won't Work


17. Everything

black and white,photography,monochrome photography,monochrome,film noir,

18. Be Your Own Muse

text,font,headstone,album cover,emotion,

19. I Hope the Departure is Joyful...


20. I Love You More than My Own Skin...

cartoon,poster,brand,t shirt,album cover,

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#9 is incorrectly translated. It should read "every time I talk to you, I die a bit more"

DEF one of my favorite artists!!

And my favorite: "I was born a bitch. I was born a painter. I was born fucked. But I was happy in my own way"

Her life was so tragic, that's why her paintings and quotes were so deep. Diego made her suffer and he was unfaithful. I went to their museum where they used to live in Mexico and it was amazing. I really appreciate her work.

Mi paisana. She will always inspire us! Aqui vives Frida ! Y no pagas renta!,

Love freida

Lovely. She and her husband, Diego Rivera, were known as the Elephant and the Dove. He thought she was beautiful, and loved her universe and mustache😊When they argued she'd cut some of her hair to hurt his feelings.

Beautiful woman. Amazing artist.

¡Que viva Frida!

Such an inspiration, and in her own way. Love her!

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