7 Bad Things That Don't Make You a Bad Person ...


7 Bad Things That Don't Make You a Bad Person ...
7 Bad Things That Don't Make You a Bad Person ...

You shouldn't worry about every little move you make, because there are a few bad things that don't make you a bad person. Everyone makes mistakes, so you can't blame yourself for being reckless every once in a while. You need to be able to forgive yourself if you want to live a peaceful life. Here are a few bad things that don't make you a bad person:

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1. Finding Others Attractive

Even if you're in a relationship, you're still going to find others attractive. You don't stop noticing hot guys when you have one all to yourself. As long as you don't act on your feelings, you didn't do anything wrong. Staring at someone sexy when you're in a committed relationship is one of the bad things that don't make you a bad person. It just makes you human.


It's perfectly natural for your eyes to wander from time to time. Being in a relationship doesn't mean you suddenly go blind to beauty around you. It's all about the boundaries you maintain. Acknowledging someone's appeal doesn't equate to betrayal. Just remember to keep your admiration discreet and respect your partner's feelings. After all, a glance is harmless, but fixation can be hurtful. It's the intention behind the look that defines whether it's a fleeting appreciation of beauty or something more problematic. Trust in your relationship's strength and the understanding that admiring beauty is a part of life.

2. Lying to Protect Yourself

If your teacher asks why your assignment wasn't sent to her on time, you might lie and say that your computer died. If your father asks how well you're doing in school, you might lie and say you're doing fine. You don't want to get into the habit of lying, but sometimes it's your natural reaction, and that doesn't mean you're a bad person. You're just trying to protect yourself.

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3. Being Selfish

It's not cruel to hope that you get a promotion over your coworkers. It's not horrible if you're happy that your crush asked you out instead of your best friend. You shouldn't let your selfishness go out of control, but you're always going to want what's best for yourself, so don't feel bad about it.

4. Letting off Anger

It's never nice to scream at your parents or siblings, but it happens. As long as you apologize for it and try not to do it again, you shouldn't feel too guilty. Everyone has bad days. Your family will understand that you needed to let off some steam.

5. Breaking up with Someone

You might feel like the evilest person in the world after breaking up with a guy who treated you like a princess, but you can't keep dating him if you don't love him. It's not his fault that you feel that way--but it's not your fault either. If the relationship is over, it's over. You're not a bad person for telling him to move on.

6. Gossiping

Gossip can be hurtful, but it's something that everyone does. If you're not gossiping about your coworkers, then you're gossiping about celebrities or strangers you saw on the bus. People love to talk about other people, so as long as you're not intentionally cruel, it's okay to gossip a bit.

7. Losing Friends or Family

It doesn't matter if your friend or family member has been there for you in your darkest times. If they're dangerous to be around now, then you have to delete them from your life. It might feel wrong, but you have to protect yourself. If they're causing you to head down the wrong road, then say goodbye to them. Just because you're removing them from your life doesn't mean that you've stopped caring about them.

You don't want to keep doing something you know is wrong, but you shouldn't think you're a horrible person either. Have you ever considered yourself a bad person for doing one of the things on this list?

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Thanks great posr

Yes thank god I've seen the breaking up one it made me feel a lot better 👍

I do all of these

*sometimes, *ties,

Thank you for #7

I disagree with alot of these. While yes, these are things most people do, you don't have to. It's not like it's out of your control. And there's no reason why you should do then and then think an apology will fix it. Selfishness, gossip, all of that, destroys lives and relationships. This article really upsets me and I wish people wouldn't take this as real advice!

Things are awesome

I like all of these ☺️

Good post it's very true I have felt bad for breaking up w perfect bfs but it just didn't feel right. Can't fake love.

Kendra, that's not the point. I think the author is just saying that doing these things is not going to determine if you are a good or bad person. Yes, you have control over gossiping, but sometimea, you have to be selfish or cut tors with toxic people to protect yourself. There is a difference between being selfish all the time and being selfish when it's hurting you too much to be generous.

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