Stop Tearing Yourself down - Things You Deserve Even Though You Don't Believe It ...


Most women, including you, don't realize just how valuable they are. Even though the rest of the world can see how gorgeous you are, you aren't able to see your beauty when you look in the mirror. However, it's time to stop thinking so poorly of yourself. Here are a few things you deserve, even if you don't believe that you do:

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1. You Deserve to Be Happy

It doesn't matter how many horrible things you've done in the past--you deserve to be happy. When you're upset, don't just mope around without trying to change your situation, because you think you're entitled to the pain. You aren't. What you're entitled to is a life you're proud of, so do whatever makes you happiest without worrying what others think.

2. You Deserve to Be Loved

Don't break up with your boyfriend, because you think he can do better. Don't assume that your crush hates you, because no one could ever love someone like you. Don't settle for dating a jerk, because you don't think you can get anyone else. You're an amazing woman, and you deserve to be loved by a gentleman.

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3. You Deserve to Be Successful

Apply for your dream job. Ask your boss for a promotion. Do whatever you can to reach your goals. If you believe that you're undeserving of success, it'll lower your motivation and you'll never get where you want to be in life. The only way to become successful is to realize that you deserve to be successful.

4. You Deserve to Be Pampered

Sure, it's a little pricey to go to the spa, but you deserve to be pampered. Get your nails painted, get a massage, or take a mud bath. You've had a tough week, so do whatever will relax you. You deserve to be pampered, so don't hesitate to do something that's meant for you and only you.

5. You Deserve to Indulge in Food

It doesn't matter how big or small you are. Even if you're on a strict diet, you deserve the occasional snack. So stop feeling bad whenever you eat one too many cookies. It's not the end of the world. After all, you deserve to treat your stomach every once in a while.

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6. You Deserve to Buy Material Items

You're not shallow for wanting the newest iPhone or for buying designer jeans that look similar to the kind you could get on sale at Kmart. Even if you're low on cash, you should occasionally splurge on something that will make you smile. The point of earning money is to spend it, after all. So make sure you don't put yourself on such a strict budget that you never buy yourself something special.

7. You Deserve to Love Your Life

You can either consider life a rough challenge that will always let you down, or a gift that you're fortunate to have. It's all about how you look at the world. Of course, you deserve to live a life you love, which is why you need to do whatever it takes to make yourself happy. You might not be able to change the world, but you can change your world.

You're amazing, even if you don't realize it. In the spirit of positivity, what's one special treat that you're going to give yourself this week?

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Olivia you really killed the vibe

I really needed to hear this today. I'm glad that I read it. I also shared the advice with some of my colleagues. Some of us are financially responsible but sometimes we get too carried away. The money we worked so hard to earn can also be used to make us happy. You are not neglecting your obligations. Of course not! You are simply valuing and rewarding yourself for a job well done. I think you would be glad you did it.

What a fantastic way to start my day, thanks Holly.... (Ladies I think the author meant, TREAT yourself, not go into debt. Y all the upset about a little something to make urself feel good? I didn't read..."buy a new house" lol, give urself a special shoes, saddles, purse, hair cut, window shopping to see all the upcoming trends) Wishing everyone a fabulous day

How about a longer "me" time ? You can enjoy a longer bath,a do it yourself minute,extra hour of reading or just sit back in the sun,relax and just listen to music. Doesn't actually have to cost money to relax and enjoy life and is " deserve" really the word? Maybe " need" or reward " .

I really needed this today, thanks so much! :D

What is money to begin with? Money is just paper in it's reality, used to control us like lab rats. You work and you spend to live a joyful life. Life is not all about money. Money does not buy happiness. Once you die, the money does not go with us. Enjoying our money leads to created memories and those memories last a lifetime. Saving up money is good but not when you focus so much on saving. The banks are not stable anyway so the money being saved is not really our own. We deserve a life we love and hey some people equate a loving life with nice financial security. To each his own. I enjoy the dialogue on here all of the time. 😊 Peace and love lovely ladies.

Love it !

I really love articles like this! I really needed to hear something positive today so thank you! :)

LOL, this iOS device has a mind of it's own, NOT saddles, SANDLES!!! xo

That just motivated me even more to go after my dreams (: that article really had me thinking

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