You Can Be Successful by Being More Vulnerable ...


You Can Be Successful by Being More Vulnerable ...
You Can Be Successful by Being More Vulnerable ...

So much advice about success and achieving your goals calls for you to be positive and strong and even ballsy. There’s nothing wrong with that – of course it works – but did you ever imagine that vulnerability is also a major factor in your life success? It sounds kinda scary because being vulnerable meaning opening yourself up. But putting your hopes and fears on the line is enlightening and rewarding and can move you forward to your goals.

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1. Accept You Are Worthy

Accept You Are Worthy One of the most effective ways to be more vulnerable is to look deep within yourself and realise that you are worthy to begin with. If you are opening up to a person and sharing intimate things about yourself, then you need to have the belief that you are worthy of receiving a positive response from the person that you have told. You won’t get far with vulnerability if deep down you don’t believe that you deserve to be treated well.

2. Prepare for All Outcomes

Prepare for All Outcomes You should never hold back your vulnerability just because you are scared of the reaction that you might receive. If being vulnerable with a person is the only way that you are going to be able to get through a certain occasion or situation, you need to ready yourself and come to terms with any possible outcome. You are a strong person. You might not believe it but you really can handle any outcome.

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3. Taking Power Away

Taking Power Away If you open up to someone and show them your vulnerable side, in a way you could say that you are taking a large amount of power away from them should they ever hurt you. By showing them the most intimate parts of yourself, you are removing any unknown aspects that people often try to attack when they seek to hurt feelings. If they know you are good person inside and out, it will be harder for them to hurt you.

4. Be Calm

Be Calm Being vulnerable does not mean the same thing as being out of control. If you are prone to displaying a few skittish tendencies when revealing more personal aspects of your personality, it can have the negative effect of putting people off. However, if you can master these tendencies and get them under control, being vulnerable in a much more calm fashion can will bring a much better response from outsiders.

5. Don’t Resist

Don’t Resist If you can sense yourself entering in to territory with a person that could be described as vulnerable, you should try really hard to let the emotions flow as naturally as possible and not to clench up and start to resist the way that the conversation is going. A person can sense when somebody is being genuine with them, so if you allow yourself to be completely natural with regards to your vulnerability, you will get nothing but positive response.

6. Share Your Feelings

Share Your Feelings The old phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ really rings true in terms of opening up and being vulnerable with a friend or partner. Sharing your feelings with people that you trust can make you feel so much better about something, giving you a different perspective that you can take advice from and see your situation in a different light.

7. Only Way is up

Only Way is up You need to realize that once you have finally opened yourself up and begun sharing your vulnerabilities, the only way is up. Now that a friend or a partner has seen the most vulnerable, low side of you, you will be building your relationship on a much stronger, more open footing.

Being more vulnerable and allowing yourself to be vulnerable is not a position of weakness unless you allow it to be so.

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