7 Ways to Stay Motivated While Starting a Business ...


As an aspiring entrepreneur, finding ways to stay motivated while starting a business can be the most difficult part. In starting my own small business, I always had days where I felt like I wouldn't make it. It got so bad a few times that I actually put my plans on hold. Luckily, I found some great ways to stay motivated while starting a business that led to me being able to live my dream.

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1. Find a Role Model

It may seem ridiculous, but you need a role model. I did quite a bit of research in my niche and found several shining examples to follow. Odds are, the road wasn't easy on these business starters either. One of the best ways to stay motivated while starting a business is to realize everyone runs into problems. Having a role model reminds you that you can succeed if you keep trying.

2. Partner up

Starting a business is often a lonely process. However, you need people around. I asked my best friend to become my accountability partner. I thought this technique wouldn't work, but it's amazing. I told my friend what my goals were and my time line for achieving them. Each week, we met and he questioned me about my progress and encouraged me when I faltered. I knew I had to keep going because someone was counting on me.

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3. Find Your Motto

I love reading quotes. I actually have several books of inspirational quotes on hand to help give me a boost when I'm feeling low. Starting a business is the perfect time to find that inspirational quote, song or even movie to give you back your confidence. Think of it as your own personal motto. If it's something short, pin it up or even create a custom poster to put up so you can see it every single day.

4. Surround Yourself with Cheerleaders

When I first told people I wanted to start a business, some wished me luck while others said I should stick with my day job. It didn't take me long to realize that I felt like my dream was impossible every time I talked to the naysayers. I started limiting my time with them and instead spent most of my time with those who supported me. Their motivational words and excitement were contagious. I thought of them as my own personal cheerleaders.

5. Do Something You Enjoy

While this one should be obvious, only start a business if it's something you enjoy. You need some reason to devote all those long hours and hard work to getting a business up and running. I chose an area I was passionate about, which made it easier to stay excited about starting the business. One of my friends wanted to start a business just to make money and chose something she had no interest in. The end result, she gave up long before the business had a chance.

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6. Make a Pro List

After spending weeks with what seemed like no results, I was ready to give up. My role model had mentioned that he created a list of reasons why he wanted to succeed and how it would benefit him. The focus wasn't really on money either. I sat down and wrote out a list of 10 reasons why this business was important to me and how it would change my life. I read it each morning and it gave me the motivation I needed no matter how hard things got.

7. Stay Active

When you don't feel motivated, you procrastinate. I'm a shining example of putting things off when I'm less than enthused about it. Starting a business isn't always fun. However, the more I procrastinated, the less motivated I felt and the less progress I made towards my goal. I began starting each day with a single actionable task related to my business. As the days passed, I began seeing progress and felt more confident and motivated. By staying active, my motivation levels skyrocketed.

If you want to start a business, don't give up just because you lose your motivation. Everyone has bad days, but the key is to find simple ways to get your mojo back. From quotes to positive friends, I used a little of everything to stay motivated while starting my business. What methods have you used to stay motivated and keep your goals on track?

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Gosh!! Thank you! This is such a daunting task!! Well, it was before this article!

This is awesome

Excellent article thank you! I'm self employed as a sole trader and can relate to the procrastination struggles due to lack of motivation and the giant mountain saying you're not going to make it. It's awful and isolating sometimes. Takes real strength of character to press on and your techniques are spot on. Well done to you for persevering that's great to hear. A very inspiring article from a writer that's very honest and real.

Thanks for this...I want to start my business. This is so true cause I have Ben practicing some of the things you mention....my aim is the next 5 yrs

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