7 Ways to Overcome Failure in Your Life ...

Ebangha Mar 3, 2014

We all need ways to overcome failure in our lives. Whether we realize it or not, we are human. There is never going to be perfection in our lives. You will win some. You will lose some. The most important thing is that you don’t allow failure and the fear of it ruin your life. That is why I suggest you use these ways to overcome failure and take back your peace of mind.

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1. Breathe

One of the best ways to overcome failure is to breathe. No, I’m not trying to be funny. I mean seriously, calm down. Take a breather. Remember that your life does not end with one disappointment. Do not let this one thing get the best of your peace. Find your peace again and keep it no matter what.

2. Reflect on What Went Wrong

Each failure is an opportunity for growth. Do not forget that. You may or may not get to start over, but you do get to realize what went wrong. Be sure that you take time to do just that.

3. Occupy Yourself

I don’t know about you, but when something goes wrong, it is all that I can think about. It is always on my mind, and I just can’t seem to get away from it. Times like these are perfect for occupying yourself with the things you need to get done or things that you have always wanted to do. Occupy your time and you will occupy your mind.

4. Don’t Let Others Put You down

I have had so many disappointments in the past two years. From not getting into my top-choice colleges to failed relationships, I have pretty much failed at some aspect in every part of my life. The thing is, I will not let anyone try and discredit me or make me feel less than amazing simply because things went awry. No one has the power to make you like anything unless you give them the power.

5. Change Your Direction

Sometimes failure is like God telling us that maybe we haven’t figured it out the right way. Maybe we need to move in a completely new direction. You are not a plant. You have legs. Use them! Move your life in the direction that you want.

6. Learn Your Lesson

Fail, yes, but learn also. You should not find yourself making the same mistake over and over again. One failure should be the kick in the rear for you. Einstein once said that, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." You cannot overcome failure by using the same methods as previously. I suggest that you learn the lessons your failure gives you and move forward.

7. Pray and Keep Faith

You may not have much in this world, but you do have the power of faith if you choose to use it. (SO use it!) Do not become burdened by your own faults and failure. Allow God to take that for you. I know not everyone believes in keeping faith, but that is what has always helped me through times like these. It just helps to know that at the end of the day, one trouble will not ruin you.

I hope that whatever you are facing does not get the best of you. I hope that you are able to regroup and move forward. What are you doing right now to make the best of your failure?

Feedback Junction

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This was just what I had to read thank you

I am always disappointed of myself, that it makes me cry

I really needed this today. Great blog, love these topics. Thank you!

I always remember if times are getting hard or you feel like you hit rock bottom, that means it can only get better from there. We all just have to be patient. I'm currently going through hitting rock bottom but I'm staying positive and definitely trying to pick myself up.

So far it's working! I got fired from a stable job, my lease ends at the end of March with no money no idea where to go such little time. But I got a new amazing job last week and my friend is now looking for a roommate. Things happen for a reason..

loved this, it really brightened up my day .

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