7 Ways for How to Deal with a Difficult Workmate ...

Danielle Jun 3, 2014

It's very frustrating when you have to deal with a difficult workmate! I believe everyone has encountered someone they've found hard to work with. A cooperative and harmonious work environment is essential to be able to achieve the organization's goals. Having a rift with someone at work is counterproductive and very draining so, I am now sharing with you my tips on how to deal with a difficult workmate.

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1. Keep Calm

When you deal with a difficult workmate, the first thing you have to remember is to keep your cool. Do your best not to lose your temper. Before you say or do something that you might regret later, pause for a few seconds, and take a deep breath. It's easier to figure out ways to resolve the issue when you're calm. Remember, better judgement comes with good composure.

2. Kill with Kindness

Be polite and accommodating. When you do this, your difficult workmate will find it hard to be aggressive and argumentative. Continue to be pleasant and treat him or her with respect. Trust me, this works! Using humor is also a great strategy help reduce tension.

3. Listen

Hear your co-worker out and try to understand where he or she is coming from. Let your workmate vent and explain his or her point of view. From here, you can put the situation into perspective. Keep in mind though that five minutes would be enough time for venting. Actively listen but set a limit so that instead of getting stuck, you can actually find more effective and productive solutions to address the issue.

4. Keep Your Head up

When dealing with a difficult workmate, make sure you do not get dragged down by their negativity. Learn to identify the Debbie and David Downers and d your best to veer away from them. There are times, though, when you really get caught up in the conflict and the all the bad energy. Just remember that your time is valuable, don't waste it on negativity. You're the loser if the bad energy rubs off on you.

5. Confront

When things do not get any better, talk to your difficult workmate. Have a frank discussion with him or her, but do it in private. Remember to keep your cool and be polite as much as possible. To keep the conversation less accusatory, use "I" instead of "You" or "We." Also, remember to stick to fact-based statements.

6. Ignore

Sometimes, you just have learn to choose your battles wisely. There are times when compromise is just not possible. When you feel like you've done everything you can and your workmate is still not cooperating, ignoring him or her may just be the best thing to do. Just go on with your day, focus on your responsibilities and try to have as little interaction as possible.

7. Ask for Help

When all else fails, do not hesitate to ask for help. Talk to your manager or any person in authority for resolution. This strategy should be considered as you last option as it can cause retaliation or your manager may think you're not capable of handling your own problems. Sometimes, talking to a higher authority with other people who has the same complaint can be helpful. I've done this a few times, and it works!

In the end, you realize that you have no control over other people but you have control over your mindset and behavior towards them. I hope these tips will help you create a healthy working environment. Please share your techniques on how to deal with a difficult workmate, too.

Feedback Junction

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talk slower and the person slows down. pause. between. each. word.

what if ur David downer is a student and your a receptionist

I had a situation with my office mate. we agreed to just ignore each other & be professional. it's actually awesome bcz she was the queen of Debbie Downer so now I feel free and positive & great!!! whoo hoo. everyone get rid of your baggage.

thanks very much, these have been nice tips for sure.

I've been dealing with this every weekday for almost 3yrs. I do everything that was suggested, and it works. She's set in her ways, always makes mistakes & says the most asinine things! Most days I want to strangle her but I just smile and remind myself that the worse she does, the better she makes me look. she is most definitely the most negative person I know. if I'm wearing something new, let's say a bracelet, she'll say "oh, is that new?". but not once will she compliment anything! In the end, she just makes me appreciate myself and my life that much more! Remember! Don't feed the bears!! It's not worth it!

what is possible to do when is your boss?!! he is very nervous and rude...he doesn't have the patient to wait until I finish talking he is always attacking later everything is ok and he is happy with the job..but the daily routine is stressful !!!

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