You've got to read these important little things every 20-something girl should remember when life hits hard. These are the years meant for fun, exploring, and learning, but it's not always so simple. According to Puckermob, it's easy to get sucked into the bad and to be down on yourself, but don't let it get to you! Take a deep breath and remember these little tips.
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1. It’s Okay Not to Love Every Part of You...
But remember you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. The world won’t end if you eat that piece of cake. There's more to life than constantly worrying about how you look. Everyone has rolls when they sit down, so stop judging yours so harshly
2. Take Those Selfies
And post them to Instagram. Make memories and document them.
3. But Don't Forget about the Real Stuff Too
Like the fact that you need insurance...and to visit the doctor regularly, even if you feel just fine.
4. We All Hate It but Find Some Time to Exercise, You’ll Feel Better when You do
Don't forget to drink plenty of water, too.
5. Paying Your Bills Every Month is so Satisfying and is More Important than Going out All the Time
But still go out and have fun.
6. When Grown up Stuff Gets to You, Remember: Life Doesn’t Always Go as You Plan
The unexpected will happen, and when it does, I promise: the world won't end
7. You Don’t Have to Go through Life at the Same Pace as Everyone else
It’s okay if your friends took different paths. It doesn’t mean yours is wrong
8. Don’t Ever Apologize for Being You
You are worthy and you deserve respect
9. When Someone Calls You Beautiful, Believe Them
Because you are beautiful!
10. Boys Are Easier to Figure out than You Think
Don’t waste your time on those who don’t give you the attention you deserve. Kiss whoever you want. Hell kiss a boy and a girl, or even two. Love is worth taking a risk on every time
11. When You're Deep in Your Feelings, Write It out
A journal or even a blog are very therapeutic.
12. Ice Cream and Wine Are Pretty Good Problem Solvers
We mean GREAT problem solvers.
13. When All else Fails: Call Your Mom
Because despite whatever you may think, she’s always there
14. Make a Few Friends Who You Can Count on
Find people who encourage you to chase your dreams and find a hobby that makes you happy.
15. Travel to Places You Wouldn’t Always Pick to Visit
Don't be afraid to explore new things. Be brave enough to step outside of your comfort zone.
16. Tell People How You Feel, Even if It’s Terrifying
Don’t wait for someone else to save you, be able to save yourself.
17. Remember You Should Be a Priority
Anyone who sees you as an option or a backup plan needs to go. Let little things go, they're not worth holding on to. Also, learn how to love your own company.
18. Be Kind to Everyone You Meet
It’s the decent thing to do!
19. Put Your Phone down for a While
Real life is so much better.
20. Never Stop Learning
Ask questions about what you don't know and keep growing
21. Never Let Go of Your Dreams
Never forget that happiness is a choice. Bad days are inevitable, but remember that it’s just one bad's not a bad life.
22. Some of the Best Days of Your Life Are Still to Come
You can handle anything that comes your way!
What's your favorite mantra for when life hits hard? Did you agree with these little things every 20 something should remember? Let us know in the comments!
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