Girls Need to Stop Saying and Doing These Things to Each Other ...

Holly Nov 25, 2014

Us girls are supposed to stick together, which is why there are things no girl should say or do to another one. Women are seen as catty creatures, because sometimes it's hard for them to get along. However, we should try our hardest to make each other happy instead of tearing each other down. Here are a few of the most important things no girl should say or do to another one:

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1. Shame Her

If you think another girl weighs too much or flirts with too many guys, don't shame her for it. Everyone is allowed to behave how they wish. If you shame her for acting a certain way, then men will think that they can do the same. That's why shaming someone for their weight or promiscuity is one of the things no girl should say or do. Of course, no matter what your gender is, you should just be nice. It's a simple rule.

2. Insult Her on Social Media

If you fight with your best friend, don't post a status about it. Even if you don't mention her name in it, people will figure out who you're talking about. Do you really want to hurt her that badly? Keep your comments to yourself or write them down in your diary where no one else can see it.

3. Give Her Fake Compliments

We all remember when Regina George complimented that poor girl's skirt and then turned around to tell others how ugly it actually was. There's no need to be fake with another person. You don't want to be mean, either, but don't pretend to be friends with someone when you can't stand them. Just keep your distance.

4. Make Fights with Her Public

Yes, when you're angry, you'll have the urge to yell. But if you can, try not to have a huge fight with another girl in front of your entire school. Save it for a more private occasion. You don't want everyone to start cheering for you to pull out your earrings and pull on her hair. It's demeaning.

5. Fight over a Man with Her

If another girl flirts with your man in front of you, you have the right to be annoyed. But if you find out that your man cheated on you, don't place all the blame on the woman. She didn't owe you anything. Your man is the one who was supposed to be faithful, so aim most of that anger at him.

6. Get Jealous over Her

If your friend is proud of getting a job or a boyfriend, try to be happy for her. It's normal to be jealous when others get what you want, but you can't let that interfere with your friendships. Be happy for your friend's success, and use your jealousy to push yourself to succeed as well.

7. Post Embarrassing Pictures of Her

If you know the photo you took of a friend at a party is going to embarrass her, refrain from posting it to social media sites. You wouldn't want someone to post a bad picture of you online. Take her feelings into consideration before you do something she'll cry over.

Women have to stick together instead of competing with each other. It'll make you happier and land you a few more pals. Are you mostly friends with other girls or do you hang out with guys?

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Yes it is true that us ladies are supposed to stick together, its highly disheartening to find out that I've been talk about horribly behind my back, and not to sound too dramatic but I will never ever look at her the same way.

Girls need to learn to keep their skirts down, tits covered and legs together, I cannot express how many times a promiscuous slut has tried to move in on my long term relationship. Girls need to learn respect for themselves and other individuals and when a man is taken in a happy relationship leave it alone. Dress respectably and act intelligently.

we shouldn't be doing anything like this, but it happens...!!!!

Its bad enough my man's sister Is jealous of me, are there any ladies out there with this issue? THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY SITUATION WHAT SO EVER!!

@Californiahoney, there is an advise I can give u, taking it into account is up to u. Firs of all despite your feelings try to behave with her in a good way as she is a poor girl which is simply afraid her bro not to give her any kind of attention. Become her friend as she is your man's lovely sister. In any case before getting upset or annoyed by the situation put your self on her place.Wish you the best :)

@laryssa Seriously? What's up with the slut-shaming? A girl should be able to wear what ever she wants. Why only blame the girl, the guy has responsibilities too.

All of this has happened to me, thought they were my sisters. Nothing you can do when it gets to the point where all you do is try to resolve these issues but it remains the same. Best to just move on and find girls who will respect you and have love for you.

If the girl is your friend family member u should b Just as angry with her she agreed to the affair after all.

true ; girls still do ; it's our generation of children

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