7 Reasons You Are Good Enough No Matter What Anyone Says ...

Tara Dec 16, 2013

7 Reasons You Are Good Enough No Matter What Anyone Says ...
7 Reasons You Are Good Enough No Matter What Anyone Says ...

I don’t care what anyone says or how you were treated in the past, because I have many reasons you are good enough and you are worth it! Maybe you had a rough childhood that has contributed to your uncertainty today, or maybe you encountered many obstacles in your life that have caused self-doubt to make you second guess yourself. Well, it is time to move on and start anew. Wash away your insecurities because you are worth it and you are good enough. Let me share with you the reasons you are good enough:

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1. You Are a Good Person

You wake up every day ready to conquer your work, help others, show respect to others and do good deeds. You are a wonderful person with good intentions and you always try to do your best because this is what counts. And this is just one of the reasons you are good enough.

2. You Help Others

You go out of your way to help the woman in front of you struggling to get inside the grocery store while toting her baby. You offer to help your elderly neighbor with their groceries. You volunteer when possible and do what you can to help others. You are good enough. Actually, you are superb!

3. You Realize Beauty is More than Skin Deep

You take care of your personal hygiene but you realize that beauty is more than skin deep. Beauty is about the choices you make, the way you treat others and the person you choose to be. Shine with your inner beauty because you are good enough!

4. You do the Right Thing when No One is Watching

The measure of a good person is choosing to do the right thing when no one is watching. Are you honest? Do you make the right choice because you know it is right, even if you really do not want to? If you answered yes, rest assured, you are more than good enough!

5. You Love Others

Do you brighten your mother’s day with a sincere compliment? Do you go out of your way to help your siblings? If you show your friends and family love by making them feel special, you are good enough. Actually, you are a selfless wonder! Love others and spread joy! Okay, I may sound like a holiday card but try it, you may be surprised at how well it works!

6. You Brighten Others’ Lives

Do you find yourself looking for ways to help the community, local charities, friends and family? Do you find yourself making others smiles? If you brighten other lives by helping, you are good enough and you are making the world a better place!

7. You Make Changes for the Better

You realize that there is always room for self-improvement, to make changes and be better by helping others, so you just do it. You are not afraid to admit when you are wrong and build upon this. You make changes for the better for yourself and to help family, friends and those you encounter. You are more than good enough because you know we can always change for the better.

So now that you have finished reading this, are you ready to start self-love and accepting who you are? Smile because you are worth it and have a great day! Are you ready to accept you are good enough?

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I need to remind myself of this more often.

So exited I found this app.

Thanks for introducing myself to me n increasing my confidence level u really made my day n made me smile.

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