Quotes You Need to Hear on a Day That is Shitty AF ...


Quotes You Need to Hear on a Day That is Shitty AF ...
Quotes You Need to Hear on a Day That is Shitty AF ...

Uplifting quotes for when you're having a bad day can be just what you need. We all have a bad day from time to time and sometimes the best thing you can do is just go to bed. When that’s not possible, reading uplifting quotes can really help your frame of mind. If you regularly find yourself barely getting to the end of the day, make some time to talk to a professional – you may have depression or anxiety. If bad days are only occasional use these uplifting quotes for when you're having a bad day to perk you up.

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1. “Every Day May Not Be Good, but There is Something Good in Every Day”

“Every Day May Not Be Good, but There is Something Good in Every Day” This is so true, isn’t it? Next time you have a bad day, try to find the things about it that were good. Maybe you had a really tasty cup of coffee in the morning or you ran into an old friend at the bookstore. Thinking back to the good parts of the day can help you put the whole thing in perspective and it won’t seem so bad after all.

2. “Don’t Let a Bad Day Let You Feel like You Have a Bad Life”

“Don’t Let a Bad Day Let You Feel like You Have a Bad Life” It’s so easy to turn everything into a disaster when your day isn’t going right. Resist the temptation to feel like your entire life is in shambles just because the day was bad. Chances are that most parts of your life are just fine and that underneath your bad day you are truly content and happy. Don’t forget that!

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3. “Just Breathe”

“Just Breathe” This is great advice anytime things aren’t going your way. When you get to the end of a crappy day, take some time to unwind and relax while paying close attention to your breathing. Often, deep breathing can calm you in a surprising way and you might find that things aren’t as bad as they seem. And if they are, at least the day is over and you can start fresh tomorrow.

4. “It’s up to You to Find Beauty in the Ugliest Days”

“It’s up to You to Find Beauty in the Ugliest Days” You can totally do this! In the midst of all the ugly parts of your day is surely something beautiful. Maybe it’s the sunset on your way home from work or the beautiful smile of your baby waiting for you. Find the beauty and the ugly won’t take over your life. Some people find it helpful to write down the good things so they can erase the bad.

5. Every Day is a New Beginning. Take a Breath and Start Again”

Every Day is a New Beginning. Take a Breath and Start Again” Tomorrow is another day and if you can see that, today won’t seem so bad. When I have a less than perfect day, I like to go to bed early to bring it to an end. That way I can wake up refreshed and ready to make the next day one that’s glorious and that makes me feel good. Try it – I think you’ll like the results.

6. “Focus on the Good”

“Focus on the Good” Are you seeing a theme here? Most of these quotes are telling you to find the good parts of the day and forget about the bad. That’s not always easy to do, but you can ask your friends and family to help you see things in a new way. In the end, you might realize that things could be a whole lot worse.

7. “Some Days Are Just Hard”

“Some Days Are Just Hard” There’s truth to this statement, isn’t there? Sometimes there’s no getting around the fact that a day might just be bad. Once you accept that, you can find ways to cope and get through it so that you can move on to the next day. Being prepared for bad days also gives you the chance to come up with ways to make them better.

Do any of these quotes make you feel better? Do you have any others to share?

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#3 is one of my favorite things

Feeling good

After the day i've had these quotes really help

I love positive qoutes!

Well needed advice; thank-you! :)

Good luck everyone today!

Thank you! 😊

Yeah that is positive attitude....✅

Yep the last 3 days have put me in a financial crisis but I'm trying to take the positives and work out How to desk with this unexpected bomb rather than cry about it! I can do this and I will is my mantra!!

That made me feel really good. Thank you.

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