21 Quotes to Calm You down when You're Feeling Confused ...

Teresa Jan 14, 2022

21 Quotes to Calm You down when You're Feeling Confused ...
21 Quotes to Calm You down when You're Feeling Confused ...

Life can get so confusing so quickly. No matter what's going on in your life, if you're currently trying to figure things out in your life, there are quotes on this list that will help you in even the most confusing, weird, and upsetting times. These quotes will give you hope in the darkest and strangest of times!

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1. Sometimes You Have to Let People Go

Sometimes You Have to Let People Go If someone isn't adding something to your life and they're instead hurting you, it's time to remove them from your life, even if it seems hard.

2. Because when You Stop and Look around, Life is Pretty Amazing

Because when You Stop and Look around, Life is Pretty Amazing Sometimes all it takes to clear your mind is taking the time to stop and look around.

3. Staying Strong

Staying Strong If you have every reason to fall apart, stay strong and smile.

4. The Flower Blossoms

The Flower Blossoms Stop searching for people- they'll come to you when you're ready.

5. Daring Greatly Means the Courage to Be Vulnerable

Daring Greatly Means the Courage to Be Vulnerable Sometimes you just need to show up and be seen.

6. Some Changes Look Negative

Some Changes Look Negative Everything in life is a process and constantly changing!

7. They're Just Mistakes

They're Just Mistakes Eventually you'll realize that it's time to clean up and move on.

8. Behavior Decides Who Stays in Your Life

Behavior Decides Who Stays in Your Life So many different things determine the people in your life. Be conscious of that.

9. Keep Calm

Keep Calm Live, because you only get one life.

10. Fires Will Come

Fires Will Come Learn to be fireproof.

11. Happy Endings

Happy Endings Happy endings can mean so many different things. You'll learn what your happy ending is.

12. Ignore Uncertainty

Ignore Uncertainty Uncertainty can be the cause of so much stress. Don't let it be.

13. You're Human

You're Human You're human. Let yourself feel everything.

14. Before This and after This

Before This and after This We all have those moments in our life.

15. Don't Confuse Your Path with Your Destination

Don't Confuse Your Path with Your Destination Where you are right now is not your final destination.

16. Don't Care about Other People

Don't Care about Other People We all know people that are unhappy because they're so worried about what other people think.

17. Stop Pretending

Stop Pretending When you pretend you're someone else, you may forget who you actually are.

18. You're Developing Strength

You're Developing Strength You're going to need this strength more than you even realize right now. Keep pushing.

19. Stress Vs. Passion

Stress Vs. Passion This is the difference between stress and passion!

20. Life Changes Quickly

Life Changes Quickly Life can change in the blink of an eye so be prepared for the unknown!

21. It's Okay to Miss People

It's Okay to Miss People Even if you don't want that person in your life anymore, you can still miss the person they were!

What's your favorite quote on this list? Did one in particular help you? Let me know in the comments!

Feedback Junction

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Wow, very insightful.

Love these quotes.

Very inspiring quotes. Thanks for sharing

This is the first time ive ever commented on anything but i loved everyone of these quotes!


I feel like I've been confused a lot lately, made me feel a little better ^.^ this is an awesome article thanks!

One is so true

Nice quotes! They're all so true. Thank you!

These are such beautiful quotes but I love number 1 the best

Awesome quotes thank you

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