“I want to lose weight”, “I’m going to give up smoking”, “I am going to work out regularly” … all familiar resolutions at this time of year. Many of us set ourselves challenging New Year's resolutions and many of us fail to achieve them. How about trying something new in 2019? Set yourself a set of smaller goals that you really can achieve. Small they might be but they can make a difference.
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1. Don’t Be Flaky
Make a commitment not to cancel plans with friends or family at the last minute for silly reasons. Make sure you don’t get a reputation for being flaky in 2019.
2. Don’t over Commit
Have a more meaningful and enjoyable 2019 by not saying yes to a lot of things that you really do not want to do. It’s not being selfish; it’s just putting yourself first.
3. Have Humility
Have a lighter and freer mind in 2019 by not being afraid to own up and admit when you are in the wrong. Life is too short to be hiding from the truth and being spited by your own stubbornness!
4. Learn from Mistakes
We are all human; we are all going to make mistakes at certain points throughout the year. But you can turn this in to a positive by always striving to learn from the mistakes that you made so you don’t make them again.
5. Don’t Dwell
Don’t dwell on the past. Start the New Year fresh from all of the mistakes you might have made or grudges that you might have held. It’s a new chapter in the book of your life.
6. Mean Your Apologies
Sometimes saying sorry just isn’t enough because you know that you don’t actually mean it. In 2019, when you apologize, always give a reason for the apology so the person can see that you mean it.
7. Don’t Gloat
If you happen to win an argument or prove your friends wrong about something, don’t rub it in their faces by gloating. It’s very unbecoming and not an attractive trait at all!
8. Be Constructive
Don’t criticize someone or something just for the sake of it. Always seek to add some constructive feedback to a situation.
9. Be Wiser on Social Media
Try not to get involved in too much online drama from afar. Stop ‘liking’ or ‘retweeting’ certain comments in a passive aggressive manner. It’s not worth it!
10. Unplug More
Commit to spending more days offline that you did this year. It can be so liberating to be off the grid and out in the real world for once.
11. Facebook Purge
Unfriend all of those people on Facebook that you only seem to hate follow these days. Stick to positives both online and in real life.
12. Know All the Facts
The fast paced nature of the Internet means that people can spout opinions with little knowledge of a subject. Make sure you are fully informed before you make any statements.
13. No Vengeance Posts
Social media is absolutely not the place to be airing out your dirty laundry. You might be able to move on, but all of your friends will have been given an insight in to your life that you might regret later on.
14. No Phone Rule
Make a rule not to have your phone out on the table when you go out on a date or for dinner with friends, Be present in the moment instead.
15. Surprise Gifts
Giving others gifts can be really satisfying, so surprise a couple of your besties with a nice present at some point during the year.
16. Smile
It costs nothing to smile, so don’t be afraid to show your kindness to strangers on the street on your way to work. Flash them a grin instead of a suspicious look!
17. Treat Yourself
Treat yourself to a nice purchase every now and then; you can see it as a reward for keeping up the rest of these resolutions!
18. Eat Healthier
Commit to eating a bit more healthy after the indulgence of the holiday season. You will find it really sets you up for the summer. It's not about losing weight; It's about being in better health.
19. Exercise
Getting in to a regular exercise regime will have multiple benefits on your life, ranging from physical fitness to more positive mental well-being.
20. Read More
In today’s culture, books seem to have taken a back seat to Netflix and social media, but the process of reading excites your imagination and enriches your soul like no other!
21. New Destination Vacation
Take a vacation to a place that you have never visited before; it will provide a memorable experience for the year.
22. Don’t Reach for Google!
Have you noticed that your short-term memory has gotten worse since the ability to Google something got so easy? Try to improve your brainpower by resisting the urge to search for an answer straight away!
23. Get Back into Albums
Today’s music age has become really focused on individual singles, but you should really try to get back in to listening to an entire album to appreciate the entire package.
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